Meter Policies
City employees attempt to read electric and water meters at each residence or business during the last few days of each month. It is very important for the meters to be accessible to City employees for this purpose. Snow must be cleared from outside meters and a pathway shoveled to them for access. If the customer does not answer the door to allow City employees access to indoor meters, the employee leaves a meter reading card on the premises. Customers receiving the cards can call, email (, mail in or drop off the readings in the utility payment drop boxes or at City Hall in person. If customers do not know how to read their meters or have any questions about obtaining readings, they are encouraged to call the City Hall (218) 748-7570 for information or instructions. It is not necessary to have a meter reading card in order to read meters. It is necessary to have actual reading for all meters at each residence or business. According to City Policy, a penalty charge of $25.00 for estimating electric or water use for two months in a row will be billed each month that the usage is estimated.
Policy on Estimating Meter Readings 10/18/10
1. Metered customers are to be notified when their electric or water usage has been estimated for one month that an actual reading must be received in time for the bills to be calculated for the next consecutive month or a penalty charge will assessed on their next statement.
2. A penalty charge of $25.00 for estimating electric or water use for two months in a row will be billed each month that the usage is estimated.
3. If customers are away for an extended period of time, the penalty for estimating will be waived upon notification that they will be gone and a reading will be obtained as soon as they return.
4. Notification of this policy will be sent to all metered customers before the effective date of the policy on January 1, 2011.