UAB Minutes 07-18-17
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Chairperson Renzaglia. Members present: Reynold Renzaglia, Harvey Hellyer, Bruce Peterson and Susan Tuomela. Members absent: Mike Downs and Joe Prebeg. Others present: Tim Satrang, Public Works Director, and Lisa Stevens, Accounting Technician.
It was moved by Tuomela and supported by Bruce to approve the minutes of the June 27, 2017 meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
Ed Roskoski and Dale Irish were in the audience but wanted to speak when the dump site topic was discussed.
The Director of Public Works reported on a few items:
First one was a water line repair on Nichols Avenue across from Babich Auto. This break ran parallel with the pipe. This was a 10-inch ductile iron pipe that occurred earlier in the winter, but was isolated until now. The repair was made by cutting about four foot bad section of pipe and replacing it with pvc. The second report was on Gardenia and Highway 7. This was a 10-inch ductile cracked break. There is a bad stick of 20 foot pipe that has 3-clamps on it. This section of water line should be replaced. One house in Woodland Estates had a water interruption. Thirdly, was a water interruption created when contractors building of the new school needed a water line isolated. City crews had the area isolated around the proposed school. Casper Constructions cut into the water main to move an existing hydrant. After doing so, it was determined that a valve between Unity 1 and Unity 2 had not been turned on. When attempting to open the valve, it was discovered broken, an interruption in water service happened. The Valve was repaired and turned on.
The Director of Public Works updated the board on the Nichols Township lagoons. City operators will start discharging water from the lagoons prior to the contract being awarded in an attempt of keeping costs down and expedite the project so it can be complete within the window of the grant money being available. The grant will expire in the year 2019.
Benchmark had previously recommended televising certain sewer lines in downtown Mountain Iron. Tim is working on getting an idea of costs. The Cities camera isn’t designed for sewer main lines.
Tim reported on information requested by the board in regards to the RV dump site. A camera was installed prior to the 4th of July weekend to tally the number of campers using the site. Rates used to charge Minntac waste were used to calculate costs associated in treating waste from RV haulers with a 100 gallon tank. Bio-chemical oxygen demand costs would be $0.05, total suspended solids cost would be $0.05 and, total phosphorus cost would be $0.002. Ed Roskoski suggested putting up a septic tank at the campground and havening an outside service dump it then charge whatever’s necessary to cover costs. Renny mentioned this would be something for the Parks & Rec board to implement. Harvey would like to see citizens of Mt. Iron have access to the dumping station at no charge. Dale Irish is not concerned as much about the monetary issue, but that the traffic on his road is causing problems at his house.
After some discussion, Harvey made the motion to inform the P&R board that the UAB may consider closing the dumping station. If the P&R board wants to continue providing waste water treatment to campers, it may want to start considering alternative ways to provide such services. The UAB may consider locking up the facility in 2018. The motion was supported by Bruce. The motion was carried 3:1 with Tuomela voting no. Tim was asked to write a letter to the P&R board of the UABs intent.
Minntac rates were discussed. Renny requested the date in which these rates were last reviewed. He also would like to know when rate increases were made for the general public within that same window of time. A discussion on rates for bulk haulers should take place when that information is provided.
Tim gave a briefing of a meeting by the MPCA citizens board and there topic of discussion of a new rule that may be implemented of sulfates in wild rice waters. He said this will most likely be a site specific rule.
The large trash service report was commended and the board believes this a great service to provide to our community.
The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, August 22, 2017.
At 4:57 p.m., it was moved by Harvey and supported by Sue to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Stevens
Accounting Technician