The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Public Safety & Health Board Meeting Minutes for January 25, 2017

Public Safety and Health Board Minutes

Meeting Date 01-25-2017


Called to order at 1836hrs. Present were Stanaway, Skalko, and Skogman. Hunter joined during Unfinished Business.


Staff present: Interim Fire Chief Knapper and Sgt. Backman


Consent Agenda: Minutes not available from previous meeting.


Public Forum: nobody came forward


Committee and Staff Reports:

  1. First Responders: a report will be completed for all calls in the future, including non-transport medicals. This will be a computerized report. Discussion on obtaining current photos and ID’s made of current First Responder staff.
  2. Fire Department: Infomercial about keeping hydrants shoveled out is nearly finished and will be posted on Fire Dept. Facebook, as well as City resources. Training attendance is up. Some discussion of the recent fatal fire responses.
  3. Sheriff’s Office: nothing to report


Unfinished Business:

  1. Mesabi Humane Society: City is receiving reports now. Stanaway brought forth the issue of City citations by MHS staff being considered for the future.
  2. Lifetime Pet Licenses: brief discussion on merits and rates of others cities.


New Business:

  1. Squad Car Purchase: Motion by Skogman, Second by Hunter to purchase 2017 Fleet Dodge Charger Police AWD LDEE48 from Mike Motors as stated in bid for $24,476. Brief discussion ensuring this was budgeted for. Vote unanimous to forward to the counsel.
  2. SCBA Compressor for Fire Dept: Motion by Skalko Seconded by Skogman to purchase used Bauer Unicus III as spec’d out by Alex Air Apparatus for $14,000 provided City Administrator can find funding. Discussion concluded this was a step forward whether or not grants that have been applied for packs/tanks is received and would work on current inventory. Motion amended to remove the used Cascade Cylinders from the bid, reducing the total to $10,800. Amendment was passed unanimously. The Amended Motion passed unanimously to forward to counsel.


Open Discussion: Skogman brought up narrowing of Marble Ave near the school due to snow banks. Matter will be communicated outside of formal board action.


Motion to Adjourn by Skalko, seconded by Skogman. Passed unanimously at 1943 hrs.

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218-735-8831 or 218-749-0533

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