The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for September 26, 2016



September 26, 2016



Chairman Steve Skogman called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Members present were: Jim Techar. Vicky Juntunen, Margaret Soyring, Tim Johnston, Barb Fivecoate, Ray Saari, Zoning Administrator Jerry Kujala, TJ Zupancich, Council Liason.  Absent: None



  1. A motion was made by Skogman with support from Fivecoate to accept the minutes of the September 12, 2016 meeting with the correction of the location of Mike Mitchell which should have been downtown Mt. Iron. All ayes-motion carried.
  2. A motion was made by Saari with support from Fivecoate to adjourn the regular meeting and open the public hearing. Several people were in attendance to speak. Becky Wilkens property owner on Mud Lake Road and also Parkville questioned the necessity to change ordinance wording and if doing so would open up the chances of allowing a business in a residential zoned area. Kelly Omundson questioned how long the present ordiance was in use. Cindy Devich, Paul Branstrom and Mr. Roskoski questioned the necessity of changing the wording and also if it would set a precedent for other businesses. It was requested by those in the audience that they receive notice as to the date and time of the next meeting to discuss this matter or for a notice of conditional use hearing.  List is as follows:

Paul Branstrom8609 Mud Lake RoadMt. Iron, MN 55768 651-485-8772

John Kolterman Jr. 8617 Mud Lake RoadMt. Iron, MN 55768218-780-0454

Desiree Kolterman8617 Mud Lake RoadMt. Iron, MN 55768218-780-8541

Becky Wilken5601 Oriole AvenueMt. Iron, MN 55768218-749-5310

Cindy Hellyer DevichP.O. Box 356 Buhl, MN 55713218-258-3813

Kelly & Roger Amundson8607 Mud Lake RoadMt. Iron, MN 55768218-295-2893

A suggestion was made that Mr. Kujala get examples of the definition and ordinance regarding daycare from other communities.

A motion was made by Techar with support from Fivecoate to close the public hearing and re-open the regular meeting. All Ayes. Motion carried.



Mr. Steve Koetke inquired if a neighbor would need a permit to build a fire pit. A permit is not necessary to do this.



Zoning Administrator: Mr. Kujala informed the commission that the map in the packets are still incomplete. He will visit Benchmark to make sure it is done properly. Also, 1 fabric structure was removed and a ticket was given on another.



A motion was made by Techar with by Fivecoate to table the Ordinance revision change until the next meeting. All ayes – motion carried. A motion was made by Soyring with support by Johnston to check on the conditional use permit situation for Grahek and write a letter of explanation. make a change in the definition of “daycare” in the ordiance by taking the verbiage “out of their own home” out. All ayes – motion carried. A public hearing will be scheduled. A motion was made by Soyring with support by Techar to have park land vacated and to check on the legal status of it. All ayes – motion carried.





Open Discussion:

Notice was given to commission that Mike Mitchell followed suggestion to look into buying Spring Creek building and the Catholic Church will be selling the parsonage on a non-conforming lot. A motion was made by Saari with support of Johnston to make a resolution that the city work with the school district and the EDA to repurpose the school. All ayes – motion carried. Juntunen question what the definition of business was. There really was none.






At 7:22 p.m. a motion was made by Soyring with support from Johnston to adjourn. All ayes-motion carried.


Submitted by:

Vicky Juntunen


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