The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

PHSB Minutes 102418

Mountain Iron

Public Safety and Health Board Meeting Minutes

Mountain Iron Community Center

October 24, 2018

 Meeting called to order by Chairperson Al Stanaway at 6:30 PM. Members present: Steve Hunter, Margaret Ratai, Steve Skogman, Margaret Soyring, and Al Stanaway.  Also present: Craig Wainio, City Administrator, Justin Blazewicz and Mark Madden, MIFD.

Motion to approve consent agenda and September 26, 2018 minutes by M. Ratai and second by M. Soyring. Motion carried.

Communications: none

Public Forum: none

Committee and Staff Reports:

First Responder Report by Justin Blazewicz and Mark Madden on behalf of Jeff Cielocha.

  • 25 calls in September. 125 year to date.
  • Cielocha has been working with staff on response participation.
  • Discussion about staffing issues and some calls that receive no response.
  • Cielocha is taking a new position and moving out of the area. Discussion about need for his resignation and replacement.

Fire Department Report by Justin Blazewicz and Mark Madden

  • 4 fire calls in September including one mutual aid in Virginia.

Recommendation by A. Stanaway to have a detailed report with date, location, number of staff responding, time on call, mutual aid if needed.

Unfinished Business:

  • Emergency Management Ordinance. Hundrieser Consulting, LLC provided an update to the City of Mountain Iron Chapter Number 33,Emergency Management Ordinance.  Cost was $600.00.  Revisions are noted. Ordinance will align with other jurisdictions that participate in the East Range Emergency Operations Plan project.

Copies distributed to Public Health and Safety Board, City Administrator.

Board will review at next Ordinance meeting.

New Business:

  • MIFD Relief Association discussion. MIFD members pay $35/year to the Association. The Relief Association has a checking account and a line item with the City auditors. Stanaway and S. Skogman attended a recent League of Minnesota Cities regional meeting.  The current MIFD Relief Association no longer meets the criteria of relief association, as members no receive a pension from Minnesota PERA.  It can be recognized as a non-profit or kept as an association with a different name.  Recommendation by A. Stanaway to remove current association name and rename the group per a vote by the MIFD.  Would need to complete a PERA form: Request for a Cost Analysis of Benefit Level Change in the Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Retirement Plan.  J. Blazewicz and M. Madden will bring issue to MIFD Fire Chief and department members.  Discussion held on possible uses for the newly named association function and dues.
  • 2019 MIFD Proposed Operating Budget presented by M. Madden with copies to all present. Fire Chief Gerry Knapper approved 2019 proposed budget.   First Responders budget rolled into MIFD budget beginning 2019 with monies directed to salaries and supplies/equipment budget line items. Salaries and Fire Runs:  $30,000.00, Employee Training:  $20,000.00 including Fitness $4,600.00, Payroll Expenses: $4,000.00, Repairs and Maintenance: $18,000.00, Operating Expense Forecast: $64,900.00 with Planned Purchase/Replacement items: $43,450.00 and Annual Items: $21,450.00 including $3,000 for grant writer.

2019 Proposed MIFD Budget Total: $136,900.  

Proposed Equipment Grant requests: $60,500.00.  

Motion by M. Soyring and second by S. Skogman to have the MIFD with First Responders budget presented by Chairperson A. Stanaway at the October 29th City of Mountain Iron budget meeting.  Motion carrier.   Board thanks Mark Madden and MIFD for the detailed proposed 2019 budget and requests.

  • Fire Department Shared Service Study Draft by McGarth Consulting Group, Inc., October 2018 has been completed. Wainio, City Administrator received an electronic copy.  McGarth is requesting feedback by October 29th. MIFD Fire Chief received a copy of the report.  C. Waino will send electronic copy to the Board after the meeting.   C. Wainio will send final copy to Board members upon receipt.
  • Ordinance Review meeting held on October 9th at 6:30. Title III Administration and Title VII: Traffic Code reviewed.  Chairperson A. Stanaway to inform City Administrator of recommended language changes and other Boards, Commissions and city departments that should review the Ordinances.
  • Soyring is Title III Administration: Chapter 31: Department Boards, Commission and Authorities, Section 31.001 -31.014 to align MIFD Ordinances with current First Responder and MIFD Policy/Procedure and clarify ordinances, policies and procedures content. Information will be presented at the November Ordinance meeting. 
  • Resolution 19-07 dated April 16, 2007 established the Mountain Iron Pubic Safety and Health Board. Wainio, City Administrator, will draft the Ordinance for Title III: Administration, Chapter 31 Departments, Boards, Commissions and Authorities per discussion by A. Stanaway.
  • Next Ordinance Review Meeting on Tuesday, November 20th, 6 PM, City Hall. Title IX: General Regulations will be reviewed for updates.

Open Discussion:

  • Iron Range Tykes Day Care Center opening on Nov. 1st. Board recommendation for Fire Department to contact owners and tour the new building constructed plus address any needs unique to the day care center and its clients.


  • Salvation Army is looking for bell ringers this season. Skogman requested that the MIFD volunteer to participate in bell ringing and engage another department with a fund raising challenge.
  • MIFD members will be volunteering at the upcoming Special Olympics Breakfast.
  • Next meeting will be on November 28th at 6:30 PM, City Hall.

Motion by M. Ratai and second by S. Hunter to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:26 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Margaret Ratai




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