PHSB 020619 Minutes
Mountain Iron
Public Safety & Health Board Meeting
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.
Present: Chairman Al Stanaway, Steve Hunter, Margaret Soyring, Steve Skogman (entered at 6:40), Sgt. John Backman, Mt. Iron Fire Dept. Interim Assistant Fire Chief Mark Madden, Fire Safety Officer Justin Blazewicz
Absent: Margaret Ratai
Moved by Soyring, supported by Hunter that Minutes of the November 28, 2018 meeting be approved as presented.
Motion Carried. Ratai absent
Fire Department Report: There were five mutual fire calls in Virginia with good turnout. The fire department also responded to a gas smell in the Westgate, Highway 7 area. It was from the natural gas facility because of the weather.
Mark Madden, Mt. Iron Fire Dept. Secretary and Interim Assistant Fire Chief presented a written report to the board which has been made a part of these minutes. He also reported that he is working on a program for the fire department to track training, hours, mutual aid etc.
Moved by Skogman, supported by Hunter to forward the report by Madden and put on the agenda of the Mt. Iron City Council for the meeting on February 19th.
Motion Carried. Ratai absent.
The Fire Department Officer Internal Posting was passed by the City Council at the February 4 meeting. Filing will end February 15.
It was moved by Skogman, supported by Stanaway to have a resolution made to the City Council to increase the Firefighter PERA to $2500 based on PERA report from the State that shows there are enough monies in the fund to cover an increase.
Motion Carried, Ratai absent.
Safety Officer Justin Blazewicz presented the Standard Operating Procedure Manual he has compiled. After discussion it was decided it should be Standard Operating Guidelines and SOG throughout the manual.
Motion made by Skogman, supported by Hunter to forward the manual to the city council with the recommendation it be sent to the city attorney for review and be approved.
Motion Carried. Ratai absent.
Emergency Management Ordinance will be discussed at the next ordinance review meeting.
A Fire Truck purchase lease agreement was discussed. The purchase of a fire truck to replace truck 188 was recommended by the McGrath Fire Dept. Shared Services Study and is in the 2019 budget.
Moved by Skogman, supported by Soyring to recommend to the city council to enter into a purchase lease agreement with McQueen for a Pierce 2018 Enforcer PUC Pumper Truck.
Motion Carried. Ratai absent.
Exhaust Ventilation System and Emergency Generation were tabled until the next meeting as there was no one to address the issues.
After a discussion on Dog and Cat Licenses with Sgt. Backman’s input it was decided it will be taken up again at the next ordinance review meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 7:40 p.m. by Skogman, supported by Hunter.
Motion Carried. Ratai absent.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Margaret Soyring, Acting Secretary