November 16, 2020 City Council Minutes
November 16, 2020
Mayor Skalko called the City Council meeting to order at 6:32p.m. with the following members present: Councilor Joe Prebeg Jr., Julie Buria, and Mayor Gary Skalko. Also present were: Craig Wainio, City Administrator; Tim Satrang, Director of Public Works; Anna Amundson, Library Director/Special Events Coordinator; Amanda Inmon, Municipal Services Secretary; Al Johnson, City Engineer; and SGT John Backman, Sheriff’s Department. Absent members: Al Stanaway and Steve Skogman.
It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Buria that the consent agenda be approved as follows:
- Approve the minutes of the November 2, 2020, regular meeting as submitted.
- That the communications be accepted and placed on file and those requiring further action by the City Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.
- To acknowledge the receipts for the period November 1-15, totaling $196,872.72 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes),
- To authorize the payments of the bills and payroll for the period November 1-15, totaling $472,213.27 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).
The motion carried with Councilor Skogman and Stanaway absent.
Public Forum:
- No one spoke during the public forum.
The Mayor reported on the following:
- Congratulations to Peggy Anderson on winning Mayoral Seat for City of Mountain Iron, 2nd woman mayor in the City’s 130 year history
- Congratulations to Joe Prebeg on re-election to City Council
- Best of luck to Al Stanaway, very dedicated and hard-working councilor and will be missed
- Condolences to the family and friends of Erma Jean Forseen
- Condolences to the family and friends of Wendell Koski
- Condolences to the family and friends of Faye “Bruzenak” Brown
- Condolences to the family and friends of Patricia “Patty” Lewis
- Thank you to all those who are keeping this Country moving forward, especially those working within the Healthcare Field!
City Administrator:
- Request that the Councilors and Mayor keep him informed of any changes, as once there are only 2 Councilors the meeting cannot happen, and things might be better to hold meeting virtually
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria that the liquor and cigarette license applications for the period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, be approved and issued to the establishments pursuant to the approval, where necessary, of the Liquor Control Commission and pursuant to the payment of all outstanding taxes, license fees, and utility charges:
Jeff & Greg Properties, Inc. On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
DBA: B. G.’s Saloon Sunday On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
5494 Highway 7 Off-Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage
Virginia (Mountain Iron), MN 55792
Silver Creek Liquor Company, Inc. Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
DBA: Silver Creek Liquor Cigarette
5489 Highway 7 Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
Virginia (Mountain Iron), MN 55792
American Legion Post #220 Club On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
DBA: Yoki-Bergman Post Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Liquor
5748 Mountain Avenue, PO Box 361
Mountain Iron, MN 55768
Mac’s Bar, Inc. Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
DBA: Mac’s Bar On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
8881 Main Street, PO Box 313 Sunday On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
Mountain Iron, MN 55768
- P. Troutwine, C & B Warehouse Distr. Cigarette
Mountain Iron Short Stop
5537 Nichols Avenue
Mountain Iron, MN 55768
Sundberg Enterprises, LLC Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
DBA: Sawmill Saloon & Restaurant On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
5478 Mountain Iron Drive Sunday On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
Virginia (Mountain Iron), MN 55792
Adventures, Virginia, Inc. Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
Greg Hartnett On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
5475 Mountain Iron Drive Sunday On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
Virginia (Mountain Iron), MN 55792
Walgreen Company Cigarette
5474 Mountain Iron Drive
Virginia (Mountain Iron), MN 55792
Mountain Iron Hospitality, LLC On-Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage
DBA: Comfort Inn & Suites Wine
8570 Rock Ridge Drive
Mountain Iron, MN 55768
WJ Holdings, Inc. On-Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage
DBA: AmericInn Lodge & Suites Wine
5480 Mountain Iron Drive
Virginia, MN 55792
WalMart Inc. Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor
DBA: Walmart #4849 Cigarette
8580 Rock Ridge Drive
Mountain Iron, MN 55768
The motion carried with Councilor Skogman and Stanaway absent.
Director of Public Works:
- Christmas Lights have been hung throughout the City
- Water Tower project is mostly complete, only a couple items left to complete
- Plows have been out and about, please be cautious and pay attention to roads and plows
Library Director/Special Events Coordinator:
- Increasing “curbside” pickup hours, more information to come
- City of Mountain Iron “2020 Holiday Lighting Contest”
- 4 Categories for judging –
- Register for contest through December 15th
- Those wanting to register call Anna @ 750-4911
- Judging will occur on Friday, December 18th and Saturday, December 19th
- Winners announced Monday, December 21st at City Council meeting
- 17 homes have registered as of today, November 16th
Sheriff’s Department:
- No formal report
City Engineer:
- No formal report
City Attorney:
- No formal report
Liaison Report:
- Scheduled Shared Services Study meeting canceled due to both City’s Emergency Personnel being called out for an Emergency call – no new information at this time
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria to approve Pay Request No. 2 – for the Water Tower Improvement project in the amount of $50,302.50, to Viking Industrial Painting, Omaha, NE. This amount includes a 5% retainage. The motion carried on roll call vote with Councilor Skogman and Stanaway absent.
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria to approve Resolution #27-20; Authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of $1,240,000 General Obligation Water Revenue Bond, Series 2020A (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried with Councilor Skogman and Stanaway absent.
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria to approve Resolution #28-20; Accepting Bids for Improvement Number 18-06 and Improvement Number 15-08, with Peterson Well Drilling (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried with Councilor Skogman and Stanaway absent.
It was moved by Buria and seconded by Prebeg to approve Resolution #29-20; Approving Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried on roll call vote with Councilor Skogman and Stanaway absent.
At 7:08.p.m. it was moved by Skalko and seconded by Buria that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried with Councilor Skogman and Stanaway absent.
Submitted by:
Amanda Inmon
Municipal Services Secretary