Meeting Minutes for November 15, 2010
NOVEMBER 15, 2010
Mayor Skalko called the City Council meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. with the following members present: Tony Zupancich, Alan Stanaway, Ed Roskoski, and Mayor Gary Skalko. Absent member included: Joe Prebeg, Jr. Also present were: Craig J. Wainio, City Administrator; Jill M. Anderson, Municipal Services Secretary; Don Kleinschmidt, Director of Public Works; Rod Flannigan, City Engineer; Sam Aluni, City Attorney; and John Bachman, Sergeant.
It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Zupancich that the consent agenda be approved as follows:
1. Approve the minutes of the November 1, 2010, regular meeting as submitted.
2. Approve the minutes of the November 3, 2010, special meeting as submitted.
3. That the communications be accepted, placed on file, and those requiring further action by the City Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.
4. To acknowledge the receipts for the period November 1-15, 2010, totaling $135,845.22, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).
5. To authorize the payments of the bills and payroll for the period November 1-15, 2010, totaling $510,168.86, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).
The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Zupancich, yes; Stanaway, yes; Roskoski, no; Prebeg, absent; and Skalko, yes.
At 6:33 p.m., it was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Stanaway to recess the regular meeting and open the public hearing on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application. The motion carried.
The City Administrator said that the CDBG application was for assistance with the improvements for Locomotive Park.
Councilor Roskoski vacated his Council chair and went to the podium to speak as a private citizen during the public forum. The Mayor asked Councilor Roskoski to remain in his chair and asked for the opinion of the City Attorney with regard to the actions of Councilor Roskoski. The City Attorney advised Councilor Roskoski that it was not appropriate for him to vacate his chair and act as a private citizen during a Council meeting. The City Attorney said that as long as he was present at the Council meeting that he was acting as a Council member and he would be able to speak during the discussion period after the motion was made on the CDBG application.
At 6:38 p.m., it was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Stanaway to adjourn the public hearing and reconvene the regular meeting. The motion carried with Roskoski voting no and Prebeg absent.
The Mayor updated the Council on the following:
– Election. The Mayor thanked the citizens of Mountain Iron for re-electing him into the office of Mayor once again. He said that he was humbled and privileged to once again be elected to serve the citizens of Mountain Iron. He congratulated Sue Tuomela and Tony Zupancich on also being elected as Councilors. He also thanked Councilor Stanaway for his service on the Council.
– Mountain Iron-Buhl Football Team. He congratulated the team for winning the Section 7, 9-Man Football Championship.
– Mountain Iron Halloween Carnival. He said that he was told that the carnival was originally started in 1943 by the Class of 1943.
– Recognitions. Councilor Roskoski wanted to recognize Pam Brunfelt for her article written in the Mesabi Daily News. He said that she wrote an article on James Nichols who discovered red iron ore in Mountain Iron on November 16, 1890.
It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Zupancich to set a Labor/Management meeting for Thursday, December 9th at 2:00 p.m. with Mayor Skalko and Councilor Zupancich attending the meeting. The motion carried with Prebeg absent.
It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Stanaway to set a Committee-of-the-Whole meeting for Monday, November 29th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the 2011 Budget. The motion carried with Prebeg absent.
It was moved by Stanaway and seconded by Roskoski to accept the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, Occupational Safety and Health Division’s report, and enter into the Expedited Informal Settlement Agreement and submit the reduced fine of $2,100. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Stanaway, yes; Roskoski, yes; Prebeg, absent; Zupancich, yes; and Skalko, yes.
During the Sheriff’s Department report, Councilor Roskoski asked the Sergeant if the monthly statistic reports were still being completed and he requested a copy. The Sergeant said the report would be submitted.
During the City Attorney’s report, Councilor Roskoski asked the City Attorney some questions regarding communications that he received from the Mayor regarding placing items on the Council agenda. The City Attorney reconfirmed to Councilor Roskoski that the Mayor has the authority to set the Council agenda and also operate the City Council meetings in an orderly fashion. The Mayor clarified that some of the requested agenda items that Councilor Roskoski requested were referred to Boards and Commissions for further consideration.
It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Stanaway to authorize payment request number five for the Locomotive Park Landscape Improvements in the amount of $6,297.00 to C & C Winger Incorporated. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Roskoski, no; Prebeg, absent; Zupancich, yes; Stanaway, yes; and Skalko, yes.
It was moved by Stanaway and seconded by Roskoski to authorize payment request number four for the Energy Park Phase II-Utility Extensions and Mass Grading Project in the amount of $79,480.80 to Ulland Brothers Incorporated. The motion carried on a roll call vote with Prebeg absent.
It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Skalko to adopt Resolution Number 13-10, approving the Community Development Block Grant application, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried with Roskoski voting no and Prebeg absent.
It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Stanaway to award the bid with alternate number two for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Aeration System Improvements to Magney Construction for a base bid of $278,400 plus alternate number two for $12,000. The motion carried with Roskoski voting no and Prebeg absent.
It was moved by Stanaway and seconded by Zupancich to award the quote for the Unity Drive Drainage Project to Jola and Sopp Excavating Incorporated in the amount of $29,505.00. The motion carried with Roskoski voting no and Prebeg absent.
It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by Zupancich to authorize Minnesota Energy Resources to extend a gas line to service the Energy Park at a cost of $19,400 to be paid for by various grant funding. The motion carried with Prebeg absent.
At 7:23 p.m., it was moved by Skalko and seconded by Stanaway that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.
Submitted by:
Jill M. Anderson, CMC
Municipal Services Secretary
1. Range Women’s Advocates, a thank you to Mayor Skalko for participating in their event on behalf of the City.
2. Summer Work Outreach Project, an invitation to participate in their program.