The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Meeting Minutes for May 05, 2014



MAY 5, 2014


Mayor Skalko called the City Council meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. with the following members present:  Joe Prebeg, Jr., Susan Tuomela, Tony Zupancich, Alan Stanaway, and Mayor Gary Skalko.  Also present were:  Craig J. Wainio, City Administrator; Jill M. Clark, Municipal Services Secretary; Michael Downs, Director of Public Works; Rod Flannigan, City Engineer; and John Backman, Sergeant.


It was moved by Stanaway and seconded by Tuomela to add to the motion made on April 7, 2014, that the increase in the salaries for the fire department officers be retroactive to February 1, 2014.  The motion carried.


It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Tuomela that the consent agenda be approved as follows:


  1. Add the following items to the agenda:


VI.       F.         Donation to the Mountain Iron-Buhl Archery Club

G.        Variance request for the McGregor Property in Wolf. 


  1. Approve the minutes of the April 21, 2014, regular meeting as submitted.


  1. Approve the minutes of the April 22, 2014, Board of Appeal and Equalization.


  1. That the communications be accepted and placed on file and those requiring further action by the City Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.


  1. To acknowledge the receipts for the period April 16-30, 2014, totaling $154,549.46, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).


  1. To authorize the payments of the bills and payroll for the period April 16-30, 2014, totaling $199,545.41, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).


The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.


No one spoke during the public forum.


The Mayor reported on the following:


  • Condolences.  Janie Pecarina, 88, she lived Parkville for 42 years; and Virginia Fischer, 90.  He offered condolences to the families.
  • Birthdays.  Paul Fischer turned 94 in April; and Gladys Johnson turned 95 today.
  • Compliment.  He complimented the City Administrator for writing and being awarded a $250,000 IRRRB grant for Mountain Iron Drive.  He said that the City has received over $7 million in grants since 2002.
  • County Road 102.  The County Road 102 relocation project is moving forward following the sale of property owned by Rocky Kavajecz to U. S. Steel.  He said that the road should be completed by the end of the year.


The City Administrator reported on the following:


  • County Road 102.  The Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority had also closed on their sale of property to U. S. Steel for the County Road 102 relocation.
  • Recreation Department.   He informed the public that the City is still looking for coaches and assistant coaches.  He encouraged people to apply.


The Director of Public Works informed the public to continue trickling, as the frost is still down by the water lines.


It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Tuomela to adopt Resolution Number 11-14, approving plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for a portion of the 2014 street improvement projects, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes).  The motion carried.


It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Tuomela to authorize the deeding of 0.10 acre of land in Section 14, Township 58 North, Range 18 West to Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Paul Stefanich, Jr. for an appraised cost of $2,875.00 plus all survey, legal and recording costs.  And further, to have the same covenants that apply to Unity Addition, apply to this parcel.  The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.


It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Stanaway to authorize Benchmark Engineering to seek quotes for the replacement of the sidewalk located on the east side of Mountain Avenue between Main Street and Locomotive Street.  The motion carried.


It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Tuomela to adopt the Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME Local #453, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes).  The motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Stanaway to authorize Jeff & Greg Properties, Inc., dba:  B.G.’s Saloon, to serve alcohol on May 9, 2014, at the Mountain Iron Community Center.  The motion carried.


It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Prebeg to authorize a contribution of $500 to the Mountain Iron-Buhl Archery Team to attend the National Archery Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky, with the funds being expended from the Charitable Gambling Fund.  The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.


It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Tuomela to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and approve the variance request of Shari McGregor, 4850 Butler Road, Mountain Iron, Parcel Code 175-0071-05025.  He further stated that the property would meet the five acre requirement, but would not meet the minimum width.  The motion carried. 


At 6:57 p.m., it was moved by Skalko and seconded by Stanaway that the meeting be adjourned.  The motion carried.


Submitted by:

Jill M. Clark, MMC

Municipal Services Secretary



1.         Mountain Iron Library, forwarding the April 2014 report.


2.         Mountain Iron-Buhl Archery, a request for a contribution for funds to attend the National           Archery Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky.


3.         Mountain Iron-Buhl Public Schools, a request to submit community sites            that meet

            applicable City and State guidelines for the proposed new school.

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