Meeting Minutes for March 16, 1998
The meeting was called to order at 6:29 p.m. by Mayor Mitchell Brunfelt with the following members present: Carolyn Olsen, Joe Matanich, Curt Piri, and Mayor Mitchell Brunfelt. Absent member included: Stephen Skogman. Also present were: Craig J. Wainio, City Administrator; Jill M. Forseen, Deputy Clerk; Don Kleinschmidt, Director of Public Works; Larry Nanti, Recreation Director; Sam Aluni, City Attorney; Sam Aluni, City Attorney; Greg French, City Engineer; Joe Stewart, Sergeant; and Jerry D. Kujala, Zoning Administrator.
It was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Matanich that the consent agenda be approved as follows:
1. Approve the minutes of the March 2, 1998, regular meeting as submitted.
2. That the communications be accepted, placed on file, and those requiring further action by the Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.
3. Authorize the payment of the bills and payroll for the period March 1-15, 1998, totaling $108,192.17, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).
4. Acknowledge the receipts for the period March 1-15, 1998, totaling $99,678.26, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).
The motion to adopt the consent agenda carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
At 6:30 p.m., it was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Piri to recess the regular meeting and convene the public hearing on proposed assessments on Enterprise Drive North and Northeast. The motion carried.
No one from the audience spoke during the public hearing.
The Mayor said that correspondence was received from Monson Trucking Incorporated requesting that they not be assessed because their property receives no benefit from the improvement. The Mayor said that the correspondence would be accepted and placed on file.
At 6:31 p.m., it was moved by Matanich and supported by Brunfelt to close the public hearing and reconvene the regular meeting. The motion carried.
At 6:31 p.m., Councilor Stephen Skogman entered the meeting.
The Mayor asked Mr. Fawwad Qureshi, Financial Advisor for the bond sale, to give a brief presentation regarding the bond sale for the community building. Mr. Qureshi presented the Council with the summary of the bids. He advised the City Council that there were five bidders for the bond sale. He informed the Council that there will be no principle payments until the year 2001 to achieve an equalized debt levy. Mr. Qureshi recommended approval of the bond sale.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Brunfelt to adopt Resolution #14-98, approving the bond sale, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Skogman to set a Committee-of-the-Whole meeting for Monday, March 23, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss city hall options, IRRRB funding priorities, and the postal boundary issue. The motion carried.
At 6:37 p.m., Don Kleinschmidt, Director of Public Works, and Larry Nanti, Recreation Director, entered the meeting.
The Mayor noted the suggestion box item received from Gale Claesson regarding moving City Hall by the Community Center. He stated that the suggestion box note be entered into the record and discussed at the March 23, 1998, Committee-of-the-Whole meeting.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Brunfelt to adopt Resolution #16-98, approving plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for 16th Avenue West, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Matanich to authorize staff to prepare specifications and call for bids for a pickup truck for the Recreation Department. The motion carried.
It was moved by Piri and supported by Brunfelt to authorize the purchase of a Polaris 6 X 6 ATV from Five Seasons Sports at their quoted price of $6,741.45 with the funds being expended from the Electric Department. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
It was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Skogman to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and deny the variance application for Arthur Ostman, 9232 Old Highway 169. The motion carried.
The Zoning Administrator asked the City Council if the City Attorney could advise Mr. Arthur Ostman of the Council’s action and request that he proceed to dismantle his structure.
It was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Olsen to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and approve the Zoning Permit for Mesabi Bituminous for a concrete and asphalt recycling staging area in Section 24, Township 58, Range 18 West, in the City of Mountain Iron. The motion carried.
The Council discussed the Land Use Ordinance Amendments. There were concerns raised regarding a building permit not being required for a 100 square foot shed placement with the setbacks not being met and the minimum width requirements for all areas. It was the consensus of the Council to send the amendments back to the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss the concerns raised by the Council and ask them to make a new recommendation.
The following Community Center Building Committee members were present:
Joe Prebeg, Chairman Jim Johnson Mark Kailanen
John Meglen Caroline Kujala Sheri Johnson
The Mayor stated that the Council views the Committee involvement in the Community Building is to seek in-kind services and volunteers to buy down the cost of the project.
Joe Prebeg, Chairman, asked the Council how to approach businesses for requests for in-kind services. The Mayor advised the Committee to work with the Recreation Director to seek donations, in-kind services, and volunteers. Mr. Prebeg asked the Council how to handle Minntac with regard to previous meetings held with Minntac officials regarding the in-kind services. The Mayor advised Mr. Prebeg to notify Mr. Nanti to work with the Minntac Liaison Committee. After further discussion, the Council requested that the Committee have a representative to attend the meetings with the Minntac Liaison Committee to discuss the project. Councilor Olsen requested that the Committee prepare a list of needs to bring to Minntac. The Committee requested that a fund be opened for the Community Center donations. Mayor directed staff to set up an account to handle the funds. Councilor Skogman stated that he has a grant booklet that would be appropriate to apply for funds for the community center and he would supply the information to the City Administrator and the Recreation Director.
It was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Skogman to adopt Resolution #13-98, adopting assessments for Enterprise Drive North and Northeast, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Brunfelt to adopt Resolution #15-98, Volunteer Recognition Week, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Skogman to adopt the Youth Employment Policy, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Piri and supported by Brunfelt to adopt Resolution #17-98, supporting the Quad Cities Alliance Group efforts to further explore the need for expanded public transportation service within the Quad Cities Area, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Brunfelt to authorize the purchase of four (4) Gateway E-3110 223 computers for a total price of $6,030.00. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
It was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Skogman to approve the temporary liquor license for the American Legion Post 220 for April 18, 1998. The motion carried.
The Council reviewed the list of communications.
The Mayor requested the City Administrator to notify the effected property owners at Spirit Lake and advise them that the Spirit Lake Community Sewage System grant application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has been denied. The Mayor also requested the City Administrator to prepare an information report to the City Council for the next regular meeting and advise them what the next step would be in this project.
The Mayor advised the City Council that he attended the last IRRRB meeting in St. Paul and the City of Mountain Iron was awarded a $50,000 grant for the Ann’s Acres waterline extension project. The Mayor directed the City Administrator to make a recommendation to the City Council for the next regular meeting on how the City Council should disburse the grant funds. Councilor Skogman requested that a letter be sent to Representative Rukavina thanking him for his efforts on obtaining the additional funding for the City.
The following items were discussed during open discussion:
Councilor Skogman -questioned the proposed taconite tax change with regard to the application in a two-mile radius. He stated that he would like to see the boundary made for the entire city. The Mayor directed the City Administrator to check to see how the mining effects tax works and advise the City Council.
At 7:10 p.m., Mayor Brunfelt left the meeting.
Councilor Skogman -questioned the City Administrator as to why there have been so many Housing and Redevelopment Authority meetings cancelled. The City Administrator stated that there has been no official business for the board to take care of. The City Administrator stated that he has been working with developers on a one on one basis.
-asked if the City Personnel has had sexual harassment training. He stated that this is required training. The Recreation Director stated that he would check to see who could conduct the training.
Councilor Matanich -said that he was talking to Representative Rukavina and he questioned how the City was going to spend the funds from the Mighty Kids Grant. The Recreation Director will call Representative Rukavina and advise him.
Councilor Piri -said that road repairs are needed for the roads in Costin. Deputy Mayor Olsen said that they have been out patching the road. Councilor Piri said that the road repairs should be discussed with the Minntac Liaison Committee.
Sergeant Stewart -distributed his monthly report to the City Council.
At 7:20 p.m., it was moved by Skogman and supported by Piri that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.