The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Meeting Minutes for January 23, 2006


JANUARY 23, 2006

Mayor Skalko called the City Council meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present: Joe Prebeg, Jr., Allen Nelson, Dale Irish, Ed Roskoski, and Mayor Gary Skalko. Also present were: Craig J. Wainio, City Administrator; Jill M. Forseen, Municipal Services Secretary; Don Kleinschmidt, Director of Public Works; Wade Rasch, Sergeant; and Rod Flannigan, City Engineer.

The Mayor welcomed Councilor Prebeg back to the Council meeting as he has been recovering from surgery. The Mayor also welcomed the audience members present and the television viewing audience. The Mayor also reminded the Council that there was a meeting held with the representatives from public TV to assist with the recording of the City Council meeting. The Mayor reminded the Council members to make sure their microphones are on before speaking and, if the audience is going to speak, to go to the podium and use the microphone. He requested that the Council members make this a positive and productive meeting and to stick to the facts.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Prebeg that the consent agenda be approved as follows:

Approve the minutes of the January 3, 2006, City Council meeting with the following correction:

Page 1, paragraph 3�.”, with the 1950 1915 Carnegie library being renovated�.”

That the communications be accepted, placed on file, and those requiring further action by the City Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.

To acknowledge the receipts for the period January 1-15, 2006, totaling $109,595.49, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

To authorize the payments of the bills and payroll for the period January 1-15, 2006, totaling $363,838.36, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Prebeg, yes; Nelson, yes; Irish, yes; Roskoski, no; and Skalko, yes.

During the public forum, Terry Hartikka, a Representative from Public Television, requested that the Council be attentive to keeping the microphones on, as this will keep the costs down because they will not have to edit the program for sound quality. He also recommended that the City purchase a mixer at a cost of approximately $60, a SVHS tape recorder, and cables to record the meetings. He said that the total cost to the City per meeting would be $150 with $25 of that fee going to the camera equipment charge. 

The Mayor moved the agenda item “Taping of City Council Meetings” from Unfinished Business to Mayor�s Report. 

During the Mayor�s report, the Mayor stated that a Labor/Management meeting was held on January 10, 2006. He said that there was a discussion at the meeting regarding the possible overlay of the parking lot at City Garage. The Mayor suggested that the Streets and Alleys Committee add the parking lot to their next meeting agenda.

The Mayor said that a Mayor�s meeting was held on January 12, 2006 with Mayors from Gilbert, Eveleth, Virginia and Mountain Iron in attendance. He said that Lyle Hendrickson presented Eveleth because the Eveleth Mayor was unable to attend. Some of the items discussed at the meeting with Representative Oberstar were the Quiet Zone proposals, CDBG funding reductions, funding availability for infrastructure through the Army Corp of Engineers, and Highway 53 funding.

The Mayor announced that the City Elected Officials have been invited to a Meth Forum on January 30, 2006 at the Miners Memorial Building in Virginia.

The Mayor also informed the Council that Gary Cerkvenik, Representative from Mountain Timber Company, will be holding a Grinder Demonstration at 9:00 a.m. on January 26, 2006 in Meadowlands. 

The Mayor advised the Council that he spoke with the Director of Public Works regarding the Christmas decorations to be purchased in 2006. The Director of Public Works will be preparing an information packet for the City Council to review, so the decorations can be ordered before the end of February to get reduced pricing.

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skalko to authorize the City of Mountain Iron to enter into an agreement with Terry Hartikka for the taping and rebroadcasting of all regular City Council meetings for the year 2006 at a cost of $150 per meeting and this work would be done with one camera only and funding would be budgeted from the Cable TV Franchise Fee. After further discussion, Councilor Roskoski amended the motion to change from Terry Hartikka to the City of Virginia. Mayor Skalko supported the amendment. After further discussion, Councilor Roskoski amended the motion to include that if other events, i.e. sporting, concerts, etc., are taped, that the City would be charged $25 per event. Mayor Skalko supported the amendment. The amended motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Prebeg to appoint Alan Stanaway to the Library Board with the term expiring on December 31, 2008. The motion carried with Roskoski voting no.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Roskoski to appoint Julie Dale to the Parks and Recreation Board with the term expiring on December 31, 2007. The motion carried.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Prebeg to appoint Scott Williams to the Utility Advisory Board with the term expiring on December 31, 2006. The motion carried with Irish and Roskoski voting no.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Irish to waive the building rental fee for the Mountain Iron-Buhl Class of 2006 All Night Graduation Party on June 1, 2006. The motion carried.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Prebeg to open contract negotiations with AFSCME Local Union #453. The motion carried.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Nelson to set a special closed City Council meeting to discuss contract negotiations for Wednesday, February 8, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. The motion carried.

At 7:00 p.m. Larry Nanti, Recreation Director, entered the meeting.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Nelson to authorize Staff to advertise, one time in a Sunday edition of the Mesabi Daily News, the City Council meeting broadcast dates and times. After further discussion, the Council tabled the motion.

Councilor Irish asked the Mayor about the subject of a Quad Cities Wastewater Treatment Facility that was discussed during the meeting with the area Mayor�s and Congressman Oberstar. The Mayor stated that he was not sure on the information that was discussed, but suggested Councilor Irish contact the Virginia Mayor to seek additional information. Councilor Irish said that he would ask about this when the Mountain Iron Street and Alley Committee meets with the Virginia Officials regarding the 16th Avenue reconstruction.

Councilor Roskoski responded to comments made by the Mayor at the last City Council meeting regarding the Merritt Industrial Park. Councilor Roskoski stated that businesses may operate various types of operations in Merritt Industrial Park according to the City Zoning Ordinance. Councilor Roskoski pointed out that any salvage type of operation located in any City Industrial Park must have a Conditional Use Permit to conduct this type of activity. He said that the residents in the area also have rights with regard to these kinds of activities being operated in the vicinity of their property. 

It was moved by Nelson and supported by Skalko to authorize the City of Mountain Iron�s “nonaudit services” letter and submit it to Walker, Giroux and Hahne, Ltd. The motion carried.

Councilor Roskoski questioned the City Administrator and the City Attorney regarding a Supreme Court ruling regarding a City�s Comprehensive Plan. The City Administrator said that the City will be updating Mountain Iron�s Comprehensive Plan in 2006.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Nelson to authorize the Blight Officer to proceed to seek quotes to cleanup the burned out property at 9356 Old Highway 169 in Kinross that is owned by Country Wide Homes. The motion carried.

The City Council reviewed the Sheriff�s Department Report for December 2005. Mayor Skalko commented that there were reports of parties on Sainio Road. The Sergeant stated that he would advise the Deputies to give more attention to Sainio Road on the weekends. 

During the Liaison Reports, Councilor Prebeg reported that the Personnel Committee had met with the Library Board to review the position of the Library Director. He said that the Library Board was seeking input on the position analysis to be submitted to the City Administrator by 4:00 p.m. on January 27, 2006. He said that the Library Board would have an analysis and a salary/benefit package ready for the next regular City Council meeting to proceed with advertising for the position. Councilor Prebeg also reported that the Personnel Committee met with the Fire Chief regarding the wages for the Fire Department Officers. He said that a recommendation for a wage increase would be submitted at the next regular City Council meeting.

It was moved by Irish and supported by Prebeg to adopt Resolution Number 01-06, Charitable Gambling, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.

It was moved by Prebeg and supported by Nelson to adopt Resolution Number 02-06, approving amending to the development agreement, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried with Irish and Roskoski voting no.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Roskoski to approve Change Order Number Four (4) for the Mountain Iron Library Renovation Project. The motion carried.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Roskoski to authorize pay request number five (5) to Lenci Enterprises for the Mountain Iron Library Renovation Project in the $37,266.80. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Prebeg to authorize the Municipal Services Secretary to attend the Minnesota Clerks and Finance Officers Annual Conference in St. Cloud from March 14-17, 2006 at City expense. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

It was moved by Skalko and supported by Nelson to direct City Staff to review the public facility rental fees and make a recommendation to the City Council for an adjustment. The motion carried.

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Irish to have the City Council make a request to the Economic Development Authority to work on securing an IRRR grant to help with any P & H buffer, expansion, and environmental issues in the Mountain Iron area. The motion failed with Skalko, Nelson and Prebeg voting no. 

Councilor Irish provided information to the Council regarding the environmental impact statement on Minntac�s water inventory reduction and the tailings basin management technical memorandum. 

Councilor Irish provided information to the Council regarding a recent commentary by State Auditor Pat Anderson on the issue of post retirement benefit liability. 

At 7:46 p.m. it was moved by Roskoski and supported by Prebeg that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.


Mountain Iron Senior Citizen�s Club, a thank you for the contribution to their New Year�s Eve Party.

Mountain Iron-Buhl Class of 2006, a thank you for the contribution.

Planning and Zoning Commission, a notice of a public hearing on January 23, 2006, for a rezoning request.

Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities, forwarding the January 10, 2006 News Brief.

League of Minnesota Cities, forwarding an Action Alert.

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