The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Meeting Minutes for December 21, 1998


DECEMBER 21, 1998

Mayor Brunfelt called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present: Carolyn Olsen, Stephen Skogman, Joe Matanich, Curt Piri, and Mayor Mitchell Brunfelt. Also present were: Craig J. Wainio, City Administrator; Jill M. Forseen, Deputy Clerk; Don Kleinschmidt, Director of Public Works; Larry Nanti, Recreation Director; Sam Aluni, City Attorney; and Greg French, City Engineer.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich that the consent agenda be approved as follows:

1. Approve the minutes of the December 7, 1998, regular meeting with the following correction:

Page 3, Paragraph 4, to add, “Councilor Olsen brought up a discussion regarding improvements to Old Highway 169 and some other streets in Mountain Iron and the possibility of looking into some financial help from other entities.”

2. That the communications be accepted, placed on file, and those requiring further action by the Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.

3. Authorize the payment of the bills and payroll for the period December 1-15, 1998, totaling $309,991.27, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

4. Acknowledge the receipts for the period December 1-15, 1998, totaling $339,391.88, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

The motion to adopt the consent agenda carried on the following roll call vote: Olsen, yes; Skogman, yes; Matanich, yes; Piri, abstain; and Brunfelt, yes.

At 6:32 p.m., it was moved by Piri and supported by Olsen to recess the regular meeting and open the Truth in Taxation Adoption Hearing. The motion carried.

There were not any comments made by the public and no written correspondence was received.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to approve the 1999 budgets, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Piri to adopt Resolution #47-98, approving the 1998 tax levy, collectable 1999, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to adopt Resolution #48-98, approving the 1999 market rate based referendum levy, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

At 6:34 p.m., it was moved by Piri and supported by Olsen to adjourn the truth in taxation adoption hearing and open the regular meeting. The motion carried.

During the public forum, Rod Erchul, 5 Park Drive, South Grove, addressed the Council concerning a snow plowing problem. It was the consensus of the Council to have the Director of Public Works inform the grader operator to try a different route to not make two passes by Mr. Erchul�s house. The Council requested the Director of Public Works to report back to the Council in January or February as to how the new route is working.

At 6:37 p.m., Joseph Stewart, Sheriff Department Sergeant, entered the meeting.

It was moved by Matanich and supported by Piri to accept the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and approve the building permit for Ronald Lehman at 5469 Higgins Drive, for parcel 175-0071-01225, to construct a storage building. The motion carried.

It was moved by Brunfelt and supported by Skogman to adopt Ordinance Number 04-98, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

Sergeant Stewart distributed the Sheriff�s Department November activity report. The Council reviewed the report.

The Recreation Director said the Community Center Committee will make a report when information comes back from the Architect. The Recreation Director informed the Council that the skating rinks would be opening on Saturday, December 26, 1998.

Councilor Matanich said that he had been approached by a resident regarding the condition of Old Highway 169. Councilor Matanich said he spoke with the Director of Public Works seeking cost estimates for a portion of the road to be overlayed. The Director of Public Works stated that an overlay from under the bridge west to the old Vidmar Iron Works entrance would cost approximately $45,000 with a contractor completing the work. The Director of Public Works said that if the City completes the preparation work and a contractor put the 2″ overlay on, the cost would be about $15,000 to $20,000. Councilor Matanich said that the City does not have the funds available in the budget, but the mining effects funds could be used for road work or infrastructure in the future or the City could use some reserve funds to complete the project. Mayor Brunfelt said that there is a limited amount of funds available and the City Council must prioritize all projects.

Councilor Olsen requested that the Street Committee set a date to meet and have the committee report back to City Council by the February 1st meeting.

It was moved by Olsen and supported by Skogman to approve and issue the cigarette license for the period January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999, to the American Legion Post 220 pursuant to the payment of all outstanding license fees and charges. The motion carried.

The Council did not set a sine die meeting, the City Administrator said that there was no legal reason that they had to hold the meeting.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Piri to adopt Resolution #49-98, transferring funds from the general fund to the capital improvement fund at the end of 1998 fiscal year, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Olsen to adopt Resolution #50-98, authorizing the acceptance of certain property, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.

The Council reviewed the list of communications. The Mayor requested the City Administrator to draft a letter to the Range Association of Municipalities and Schools (RAMS) urging Governor-Elect Ventura to attend the RAMS meeting on January 29th and the Mayor would sign it. 

It was the consensus of the Council to have the City Administrator send a letter to the Northern St. Louis County Partners encouraging the kids to participate in the Mountain Iron City Council meeting on February 15th for their “Town Meetings for Kids” program and to inform them that the kids do not have to pre-register in order to participate in the meeting. 

It was the consensus of the Council to have the City Administrator reserve a table at the January 15, 1999, Virginia/Mountain Iron Chamber of Commerce meeting at a cost of $200 and have available City Council members and staff attend. 

It was moved by Olsen and supported by Piri to change the cigarette license fee to $50 for all license holders for the 1999 licensing year and review the fees in October of 1999 for the 2000 licensing year. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Matanich, yes; Piri, yes; Olsen, yes; Skogman, no; and Brunfelt, no.

It was moved by Olsen and supported by Piri to refund $50 of the $100 fee paid for cigarette licenses for 1999. The motion carried with Mayor Brunfelt and Councilor Skogman voting no.

During the open discussion, Councilor Matanich commented on how well the city looks with all the decorations on the homes, businesses, and streets.

Also during the open discussion, Councilor Skogman asked if the Council had any questions regarding the Range Recreation Civic Center. No one asked any questions. 

The City Administrator announced that the City would soon have a web site and he would be taking a picture of the Council at the next regular meeting to be included on the site.

At 7:44 p.m., it was moved by Piri and supported by Skogman that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.

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