The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Meeting Minutes for August 19, 2002


AUGUST 19, 2002

Deputy Mayor Prebeg called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present: Stephen Skogman, Joe Matanich, Ed Roskoski, and Deputy Mayor Prebeg. Absent member: Mayor Mitchell Brunfelt. Also present were: Craig J. Wainio, City Administrator; Jill M. Forseen, Municipal Services Secretary; Larry Nanti, Recreation Director; Sam Aluni, City Attorney; Joe Stewart; Sergeant; and Greg French, City Engineer.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich that the consent agenda be approved as follows:

Add the following item to the agenda:

V. C. Blight Ordinance

Approve the minutes of the August 5, 2002, regular meeting as submitted.

That the communications be accepted, placed on file, and those requiring further action by the Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.

Authorize the payment of the bills and payroll for the period August 1-15, 2002, totaling $565,169.60, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

Acknowledge the receipts for the period August 1-15, 2002, totaling $128,211.30, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

The motion to adopt the consent agenda carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

At 6:34 p.m., it was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to recess the regular meeting and open the public hearing on the Unity Drive Overlay. The motion carried.

The City Administrator reviewed the project with the Council and stated that no written correspondence was received. 

No one spoke during the public hearing.

At 6:35 p.m., it was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skogman to close the public hearing and reconvene the regular meeting. The motion carried.

During the public forum, Allen Nelson, Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Representative, presented the Council with a conceptual plan for commercial development on the 40-acre parcel on the north side of Highway 169. Earl Theden, Architectural Resources, reviewed the plan with the Council. The HRA was seeking support from the City Council for the concept.

It was moved by Matanich and supported by Roskoski to authorize the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to proceed with the concept for the commercial development of the 40-acre parcel north of Highway 169. The motion carried.

During the public hearing, Larry Sokoloski, Representative from the Mountain Iron-Buhl School Board, reviewed the negotiations for the school property adjacent to Unity Addition. He said that the School Board would want the City to waive future assessments for street improvements on Unity Drive at an estimated cost of $25,000 to $30,000, to upgrade the existing baseball field by rebuilding the outfield and infield, adding an irrigation system and installing four (4) foot high bleachers, and to upgrade the parking lot to bring the school into compliance according to the city ordinance. 

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skogman to direct the City Engineer to prepare a cost estimate for the ball field upgrades requested by the Mountain Iron-Buhl School Board and authorize Councilor Matanich and the City Administrator to proceed with the negotiations at the next school board meeting. The motion carried.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to direct the City Engineer to prepare cost estimates on the conceptual layouts #1 and #2 for the Unity Addition extension. The motion carried.

The Council reviewed the proposed dedication plaque draft for the Community Center/City Hall building. Deputy Mayor Prebeg said he would like to have the Planning Committee incorporated on to the plaque. The Recreation Director said that he would present the Council with a new format at the next regular meeting.

It was moved by Matanich and supported by Skogman to authorize the Fire Chief to purchase radio equipment from Motorola at their low quoted price of $14,408.00. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

It was moved by Matanich and supported by Skogman to approve the conceptual layout of the West II Rivers Development and authorize the U. S. Steel Liaison Committee to meet with U.S. Steel Corporation and discuss the concept. The motion carried.

It was moved by Matanich and supported by Roskoski to approve the preliminary plat for Mashkenode Lake. The motion carried.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to authorize the quote for street striping from AAA Striping for street paint striping at $0.21 per foot solid yellow and $0.42 per foot double solid yellow with the cost not to exceed $5,000.00. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Roskoski, no; Skogman, yes; Matanich, yes; and Prebeg, yes.

It was moved by Matanich and supported by Skogman to authorize City Staff to proceed with the Community Sign with Lampi Sign Company at their low quoted price of $11,724.83 and to authorize City Staff to hire a license electrician to complete the installation. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Skogman, yes; Matanich, yes; Roskoski, no; and Prebeg, yes.

It was moved by Roskoski to direct the City Administrator to write a letter to Mr. Hansen, County Engineer, the Minnesota Department of Transportation-Virginia Office, and Ulland Brothers Contractors and state that the City of Mountain Iron expects all damages to City streets caused by the Highway 169 project haulers be repaired to the City�s satisfaction and that County Roads 661 and 761 in Kinross be repaired to a high standard with all the work completed when the Highway 169 reconstruction project is completed. After further discussion, Councilor Roskoski amended his motion to delete the reference to the City Streets, but to still notify St. Louis County Officials regarding County Road 661 and 761. After further discussion, Councilor Roskoski withdrew his motion.

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skogman to direct the City Administrator to forward a copy of the letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation to Carolyn Olsen. The motion carried.

Councilor Skogman said that the blight problem at Ms. Nielsen�s property had been upgraded slightly since the last City Council meeting, but there were still a lot of items on the property that would need to be taken care of. The Blight Officer said that it would be taken care of tomorrow.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to adopt Resolution Number 31-02, Intent to Annex Under Minnesota Statutes Section 414.031, Subdivision 1(a), (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried with Councilor Roskoski voting no.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to adopt Resolution Number 32-02, Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skogman to adopt Resolution Number 33-02, Approving Plans and Specifications, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to adopt Resolution Number 34-02, Accepting Bid for Overlayment or Reconstruction of Streets, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skogman to have the position analysis for Law Enforcement officers and Fire Department personnel be submitted to the affected personnel for them to review and make a recommendation to the City Administrator. And further, to develop a position analysis for the Emergency Medical Technicians and forward to the affected personnel and resubmit all position analysis to the City Council for final approval. The motion carried.

The Council discussed the information received from the Regional Rail Authority regarding the Mesabi Trail.

At 8:14 p.m., Councilor Skogman left the meeting.

It was moved by Matanich and supported by Prebeg to authorize the agreement with U.S. Bank to act as the registrar and paying agent for the Water Revenue Bonds. The motion carried.

At 8:16 p.m., Councilor Skogman returned to the meeting.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to direct City Staff to write a letter to the organizers of the “Minnesota Rocks” Festival advising them that their Special Event permit application had been denied. The motion carried.

It was moved by Prebeg and supported by Skogman to direct the City Administrator to write a thank you letter, on behalf of the City Council, thanking the Merritt Days Committee for their work on the Merritt Days Event. The motion carried.

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skogman to direct the City Administrator to write a thank you letter, on behalf of the City Council, thanking the City Employees and the Mountain Iron Sheriff�s Department for all the work completed preparing for, cleaning up the town and working at the Merritt Days Event. The motion carried.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to re-schedule the next regular City Council meeting for Tuesday, September 3, 2002, at 6:30 p.m. because of the Labor Day holiday. The motion carried.

It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich that the Council appoint the following to serve as election judges for the September 10, 2002, Primary Election and the November 5, 2002, General Election:

Precinct #1-City Hall, Wacootah Room Precinct #2�City Hall, Iroquois Room

Caroline Kujala, Head Judge Marilyn Perpich, Head Judge

Gertrude Buria Margaret Florip

Sheri Johnson Linda Strukel

Lorraine Buffetta Debbie Klander

and further, to authorize the following to serve at the September 24, 2002, Special Primary Election, if one is called, for the County Commissioner position:

Precinct #1-City Hall, Wacootah Room Precinct #2�City Hall, Iroquois Room

Caroline Kujala, Head Judge Marilyn Perpich, Head Judge

Gertrude Buria Margaret Florip

Sheri Johnson Linda Strukel

Lorraine Buffetta, Alternate Debbie Klander, Alternate

and further, authorize them to be paid $7.00 per hour for training and election hours and provide a meal to the election judges on the election days. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

The Council reviewed the list of communications.

The Deputy Mayor had nothing to report.

During the open discussion, Councilor Roskoski questioned Sergeant Stewart regarding the recent robberies in Mountain Iron.

Also during the open discussion, Councilor Matanich recognized the City Administrator for being presented with an award from the International City Manager�s Program. 

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skogman to direct City Staff to write a letter to the Minnesota Department of Transportation and request that when the streets are striped on County Road 7 between Unity Drive and Highway 169 to incorporate a right turn lane onto Unity Drive. The motion carried.

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skogman to direct City Staff to notify the Arrowhead Library System that they are responsible for mowing their grass up to the street. The motion carried.

Also during the open discussion, Councilor Prebeg asked if the Street Committee had met and discussed the parking problems on Unity Drive by the Mesabi Family YMCA. 

Also during the open discussion, Councilor Prebeg asked what the status of the fire cleanup was at the Bon Air. The City Administrator advised the Council that he notified the Blight Officer to begin implementing the ordinance on blight to the owners of the Bon Air.

At 8:45 p.m., it was moved by Roskoski and supported by Skogman that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.

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