The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Meeting Minutes for August 06, 2007

AUGUST 6, 2007

Mayor Skalko called the City Council meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present: Joe Prebeg, Jr., Tony Zupancich, Alan Stanaway, Ed Roskoski, and Mayor Gary Skalko. Also present were: Craig J. Wainio, City Administrator; Jill M. Forseen, Municipal Services Secretary; Rod Flannigan, City Engineer; Rick Feiro, Sergeant; and Sally Peterangelo, Librarian (entering at 7:05 p.m.).

It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Zupancich that the consent agenda be approved as follows:

1. Add the following items on to the agenda:
IV. A. 2. Pagliaccetti Wedding Reception
VI. E. Move to: IV. D. 2. Nichols Hall Parking Lot
III. A. First Responders at Request for Defibrillators

2. Approve the minutes of the July 16, 2007, City Council meeting as submitted.

3. Approve the minutes of the July 23, 2007, Special City Council meeting as submitted.

4. That the communications be accepted, placed on file, and those requiring further action by the City Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.

5. To acknowledge the receipts for the period July 16-31, 2007, totaling $485,346.48, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

6. To authorize the payments of the bills and payroll for the period July 16-31, 2007, totaling $436,570.97, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

During the public forum, Alan Mattila, Director of the Mountain Iron First Responders, was present and updated the Council regarding the need for new defibrillators for the First Responders. He stated that the final cost for the ten new defibrillators and training would be $18,000 with a $5,000 credit for trading in the current defibrillators that have been taken out of service because they no longer meet the American Heart Standards. He said that the Sales Representative would be available to discuss this further with the Council at the next regular meeting. 

It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Roskoski to authorize the purchase of ten (10) HeartStart FR2+ with ECG AED Defibrillators from Phillips Medical Systems for their low quote of $18,633.80 with the trade-in of the Physio Control LP 5000 AED Defibrillators. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

During the Mayor’s report, the Mayor updated the Council on the following:

– Recreation Department. He commended the City Administrator, the Director of Public Works, and the Librarian for completing the Recreation Director’s responsibilities following the retirement of Larry Nanti.
– Library. He commended the Library Staff for the great summer programs that have been scheduled this summer.
– Iron Range Retrievers Club. He said that the field run events that they have held, brings large amounts of people to the area from all over the United States and Canada and this is very good for the local economy.

It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Prebeg to enter into a joint partnership with the Mountain Iron-Buhl School District to authorize an expenditure of $1,800 to televise 12 athletic events, six boys and six girls, for the 2007-2008 school year. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Stanaway to authorize the Pagliaccetti Wedding Reception on August 17, 2007 to allow Adventures Restaurant and Pub to provide on-sale liquor sales at the Mountain Iron Community Center. The motion carried.

It was moved by Stanaway and seconded by Zupancich to award the Library carpeting quote to Dorholt Tile and Home Center for their low quoted price of $11,890. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.

The City Administrator updated the Council on the following:

– Local Government Aid. Reported that Mountain Iron’s LGA amount will be $825,649 in 2008 from $718,350 in 2007.
– Park Ridge Development. Handed out an article written about the Park Ridge Development in the Business North Magazine.
– Unity Second Addition. Advised the Council that there is a Preconstruction meeting set for Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. at the City Hall. He advised the Council again that the lots will be going on sale on August 20, 2007, at 8:00 a.m.
– Sale of Bonds. The Street/Unity Second Addition Bond sale information will be presented at the first regular meeting in September. 

It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Zupancich to authorize pay request number three to Ulland Brothers Incorporated for the 2006 Street Improvement Project in the amount of $177,813.02. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Prebeg, yes; Zupancich, yes; Stanaway, yes; Roskoski, no; and Skalko, yes. 

Councilor Roskoski questioned the City Engineer regarding the paving of the Nichols Town Hall parking lot. He questioned who authorized the paving of the parking lot. He said that there was a 20 foot wide by 40 foot long by one inch deep bird bath in the parking lot.
The City Engineer said that the parking lot was to be paved when the contractor agreed to complete the project at last year’s prices. The City Engineer said that the contractor was informed that the bird bath was unacceptable and the contractor said that they would fix the bird bath. 

It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Skalko to transfer the South ½ of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 58 North, Range 18 West to the Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority to continue pursuing a development agreement to place a housing development in the area. The motion carried with Councilor Roskoski voting no. 

It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Stanaway to forward the following recommendations passed by the Safety and Health Committee to the proper Department Heads, Committees, and Staff Members:

– Rescind Fire Department By-Laws as per League of Minnesota Cities recommendations.
– Have the Personnel Committee review the Fire Department position analysis with the Fire Chief and make any necessary changes.
– Fence the excess equipment/parts in Locomotive Park for safety reasons.
– Have Department Heads develop an Influenza Pandemic Plan.
– Have appropriate large signage placed near the equipment on display in the City to discourage climbing on the equipment.
– Have the Personnel Committee develop a Seat Belt Policy requiring all City Employees to wear seat belts in all City vehicles or any vehicle while on City business.
– Have Staff check into the placing of emergency warning sirens in the City, (costs, where to place, how many?).

The motion carried unanimously.

At 7:41 p.m., Councilor Roskoski left the meeting.

At 7:43 p.m., Councilor Roskoski returned to the meeting.

It was moved by Stanaway and seconded by Zupancich to authorize an increase in the pension amount for the Mountain Iron Volunteer Firemen for 2008 by $100 per year beginning in 2008 and have the City Council review the pension in 2008 for a possible increase for 2009. The motion carried unanimously.

At 8:02 p.m., Councilor Prebeg left the meeting.

At 8:04 p.m., Councilor Prebeg returned to the meeting.

It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Prebeg to continue with the agreement that was originally made with Vincent D. Goerdt for the property located at 5741 Mesabi Avenue, Mountain Iron for the new owner Mike Determan. After further discussion, Mayor Skalko withdrew his motion and Councilor Prebeg withdrew his second.

It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Prebeg to send the agreement that was originally made with Vincent D. Goerdt for the property located at 5741 Mesabi Avenue, Mountain, for the new owner Mike Determan, to the Public Safety and Health Board meeting on August 13, 2007, for a recommendation and have the agreement on the August 20, 2007, City Council agenda for further consideration. The motion carried.

It was moved by Zupancich and seconded by Skalko to adopt Resolution Number 38-07, final approval of Unity Second Addition Plat, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.

It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Zupancich to adopt Resolution Number 39-07, authorizing the sale of certain property, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried with Councilor Roskoski voting no.

It was moved by Roskoski and supported by Zupancich to have the City Attorney review the article on Page 19 of the June/July 2007 League of Minnesota Cities magazine and clarify the noted statutes in regard to how they would fit in with our community and ordinances and if the Attorney completes the review to give it to the Council for the August 20, 2007, City Council meeting. After further discussion, Councilor Roskoski withdrew his motion and Zupancich withdrew his second.

It was moved by Roskoski that the present Street and Alley Committee be abolished and all matters relating to streets and alleys come before the City Council for review and approval, if the Street and Alley Committee is not abolished, by this Council then all street and alley issues, projects, requests, and other than small routine repairs, will be forwarded to that Committee for review and final recommendation to the City Council. The motion failed for lack of a second.

The Council discussed the correspondence received from Saint Louis County regarding the City’s request to accept control over Old Highway 169.

During the open discussion, the following items were discussed:

– Slate Street Paving. Councilor Roskoski questioned how Slate Street got paved and where the approval came from. Councilor Roskoski questioned the possible assessments on Slate Street and if this was going to be completed. The consensus of the remaining Council members was that they had not received any calls or heard any negative comments regarding the Slate Street Project.

– Nichols Hall Parking Lot Paving. Councilor Roskoski stated that it was a good idea that the lot was paved, but should have had Council input on the project. The consensus of the remaining Council members was that they had not received any calls or heard any negative comments regarding the Slate Street Project.

At 8:29 p.m., it was moved by Skalko and seconded by Stanaway that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.

Submitted by:

Jill M. Forseen, CMC/MMCA
Municipal Services Secretary


1. Saint Louis County Public Works Department, a letter concerning control over Old Highway 169 between the DM & IR Railroad and County Road 661.

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