Meeting Minutes for April 18, 2001
Councilor Skogman called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Present: Councilor Skogman, Councilor Matanich, Councilor Prebeg, and Councilor Roskoski. Also present was City Administrator Craig J. Wainio and Library Director Karen Luoma.
Councilor Skogman explained the purpose of the meeting was to receive comment from the public regarding the future of Mountain Iron Public Library and how to comply with the American�s with Disabilities Act. He also laid down the ground rules for the discussion.
The following people spoke:
Gary Skalko spoke to not building a new library because of the area economy that it will be a non-tax paying entity and the need for a regional school.
Carolyn Olsen spoke against a new library because there should be tourism downtown and that the City should preserve the old buildings.
Dale Irish questioned the figures of the Council.
Meeting was recessed to make copies.
Councilor Skogman reconvened the meeting.
Burrell Kubacki spoke to remodel the old library.
Pete Cerkvenik questioned the City�s figures and did not want to spend the money.
Ted Newberg spoke that he had contacted an elevator company and their prices were cheaper then what was presented.
Ida Cerkvenik questioned the need of a new library was it to increase usage.
Karen Louma, Library Director spoke that she loves the current Library but needs more space. Also in 1992 there were 32,199 in circulation and 10,198 visitors compared to 18,985 in circulation and 8,333 visits in 2000.
Claudia Skalko spoke that the people are not in favor of a new library.
Paul Stefanich spoke to demographic driving the need for a new library and that the discussion needs to remain civil and somebody is going to be unhappy with whatever decision is made.
Al Stanaway visits 25 communities and spoke to some remodeling and some new construction. The remodeled libraries circulation has remained the same while the new libraries circulation has increased.
Pete Cerkvenik spoke to the declining school enrollment as a possible cause of the decrease in usage.
Larry Johnson disputed the City�s figures and drawings and questioned the economy of the area.
Jennifer Overbye questioned the status of the Arrowhead Library Systems project.
Dale Irish disused what has been done at Mountain Manor.
Gary Skalko wanted to bring the issue to a vote of the people. He was informed that is against the law.
Tara Wainio spoke that the Merritt Elementary School is currently isolated and the elementary school and others would use a relocated library.
Trina Niska spoke that with the proposed numbers being similar, why would you not want to build a new Library?
Jennifer Overbye spoke to the abandonment of the Old Town area.
Councilor Skogman pointed out that the Council has to look at the entire community not just the Old Town area.
Larry Johnson spoke to the possible jeopardizing of the school referendum as a result of the library.
Gary Skalko questioned the figures presented.
Karen Luoma we must all think 10-15 years in the future.
Councilor Matanich read a prepared letter from Ozzie Rudlong.
Councilor Roskoski thanked everyone for showing up and raised concerns about the old town area, the City�s debt, questioned the figures presented and discussed the historical aspects of the library.
Councilor Prebeg thanked everybody and stated that he is open minded about the Library, he wants to gather all the facts and information available and stated that we are losing patrons to Virginia.
Councilor Skogman stated that a lot of good information was received.
Councilor Skogman adjourned the meeting at 8:22pm.