Meeting Minutes for April 17, 2000
Mayor Brunfelt called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present: Carolyn Olsen, Stephen Skogman, Joe Matanich, and Mayor Mitchell Brunfelt. Absent member included: Curt Piri. Also present were: Craig J. Wainio, City Administrator; Jill M. Forseen, Deputy Clerk; Don Kleinschmidt, Director of Public Works; Larry Nanti, Recreation Director; Sam Aluni, City Attorney; Joe Stewart, Sergeant; and Greg French, City Engineer.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich that the consent agenda be approved as follows:
1. Add the following item to the agenda:
VI. F. Public Safety Training Facility
2. Approve the minutes of the April 3, 2000, regular meeting with the following correction:
Page 2, Paragraph 6, “Councilor Olsen said that she inquired with Mr. Robert Sandberg, a retired architect who lives in Mountain Iron, whether he was still doing architectural work. She advised him that the City would be looking for architects interested in working on the Mountain Iron Library ADA improvements and then he showed some interest. It was the consensus. . . .”
3. Authorize the payment of the bills and payroll for the period April 1-15, 2000, totaling $274,365.20, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).
4. Acknowledge the receipts for the period April 1-15, 2000, totaling $72,441.19, (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).
Councilor Matanich noted that the City has received some charitable gambling income in the amount of $488.44.
The motion to adopt the consent agenda carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
During the public forum, Larry Johnson was present and congratulated the City Council on the sale of the City Hall building. He said that he would have liked to see the City Council use the process and made some use of the services of the real estate broker. He also said that he was happy that Benchmark Engineering would be moving into the building.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to accept the recommendation of the City Engineer and authorize payment request number three to Hammerlund Construction, Inc. for the Residential Housing Development Street and Utility Construction Project in the amount of $13,224.00. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
The following bids were received on the Kinross Culvert Replacement Project:
Jola & Sopp $29,393.00
Louis Leustek & Sons $33,053.02
Hammerlund Construction $33,223.35
Utility Systems $44,730.00
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to accept the recommendation of Staff and reject all bids received on the Kinross Culvert Replacement Project and quote the project using corrugated metal culverts instead of the concrete pipe. The motion carried.
The Council discussed the revised garbage ordinance with the City Attorney. The Mayor requested the Council to review the revised garbage ordinance. It was the consensus of the Council to table action on the ordinance until the next regular meeting. The Mayor requested Staff to supply the Council with a copy of the garbage ordinance and a brief summary of the changes.
The Council discussed the Centennial History Book with regard to Velma Ostman. The City Attorney said that he would be sending a letter to Ms. Ostman regarding the matter.
The Council reviewed the Sheriff�s department report for the month of March, 2000.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to approve the following payment request for the construction of the City Hall/Community Center facility:
Northern Door & Hardware, Inc. $ 132.00
TGC Services, Inc. 1,734.00
Anderson Glass Company, Inc. 13,731.75
Dwayne Young, Inc. 11,495.00
Contract Tile & Carpet, Inc. 6,365.00
Swanson & Youngdale 7,600.00
Hecimovich Mechanical Contracting 31,517.00
Tromco Electric, Inc. 23,643.60
Door Services, Inc. 13,344.65
H. G. Harvey Constructors, Inc. 8,265.00
TOTAL $117,828.00
The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
It was moved by Matanich and supported by Skogman to accept the recommendation of Staff and pay Kraus-Anderson Construction Company $20,752.00 for construction management services for the City Hall/Community Center facility. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
The following quotes were received for the Senior Center heating system upgrade:
Arrowhead Heating $14,995.00
(Install two new boilers at the Senior Center)
Heisel Brothers Heating $10,500.00
(Remove two boilers from the City Hall and install them in the Senior Center with new automatic controls)
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Olsen to accept the recommendation of Staff and award the Senior Center Heating System project to Heisel Brothers Heating for a total cost of $10,500.00. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Matanich to authorize staff to seek quotes for an air conditioning system for the Senior Center. The motion carried.
The following quotes were received for the installation of a motor control panel at the Wastewater Treatment Plant:
Lanyk Electric, Inc. $6,000.00
Nelson Collie Electric $7,900.00
It was moved by Matanich and supported by Skogman to accept the recommendation of staff and award the quote to Lanyk Electric at their low quote of $6,000.00 with the project being funded by grant funds from FEMA and an insurance settlement. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: Matanich, yes, Olsen, abstain, Skogman, yes, and Brunfelt, yes.
At 6:50 p.m., Councilor Piri entered the meeting.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Piri to approve the contract for the West II Rivers Campground Caretaker for the 2000 season, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Piri to authorize the Library Board to call for applications and hire summer staff. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Olsen to approve the allocation of $11,250 for the Quad Cities Signage Project. The motion carried on a roll call vote.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Piri to adopt Resolution #13-00, Receiving Report and Calling a Hearing on Improvements, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Skogman and supported by Piri to approve a Surface Lease with U. S. Steel for a rental fee of $250.00 for the period April 1, 2000 until March 31, 2005, to place a training trailer on property described as follows:
Undivided � of the E� of SW� of the NW� of Section 10, Township 58 North, Range 18 West
The motion carried.
The City Administrator reviewed the letter received from Calvin Johnson regarding a sewer line extension to his property located on Mineral Avenue just south of Mud Lake Road. The Administrator said that this would involve approximately 660 feet of sewer line at an approximate cost of $25 per foot. The Administrator said that the assessment would be either 75% or 90% according to the policy. It was the consensus of the Council to have Staff talk to Mr. Johnson and get more details on the project, a map, and a commitment to subdivide.
The Council reviewed the three proposals from Architects received for the Library ADA Compliance upgrade. The City Administrator said that he spoke with Mr. Sandberg and he never got a “not to exceed” number from him.
It was moved by Piri and supported by Olsen to award the architectural work for the Library ADA Compliance to Damberg, Scott, Gerzina, and Wagner Architects for the low quote, with the costs not exceeding $2,000. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote.
It was moved by Piri and supported by Skogman to disapprove of the continued employment of Robert Spolar, while in his probationary status, with the City of Mountain Iron. The motion carried.
It was moved by Piri and supported by Matanich to authorize the Personnel Committee to post and advertise for up to two labor positions. The motion carried.
The Mayor updated the Council regarding the location of the Public Training Facility in the Quad Cities.
During the Mayor’s report, the Mayor said that he has been working on a Committee with the Messiah Lutheran Church since the building burnt down. He said that the church has a strong history in the community and they started this Committee to preserve that history. He said that the Luther Seminary in the Twin Cities requires that their students, who are going to be ministers, take a cross-cultural immersion course. This requires that they take this course for two weeks, so these students will be on the Iron Range from August 8-22, 2000. The Mayor said that he is responsible for having the students take a half day history tour of Mountain Iron with someone that is very knowledgeable about Mountain Iron history.
Councilor Piri said that the Messiah Lutheran Church was also looking for a tent to be used in the next few weeks for an event they are planning.
At 7:27 p.m., it was moved by Skogman and supported by Olsen to recess the regular meeting and go into a closed session to discuss contract negotiations strategy regarding the AFSCME contract. The motion carried.
At 7:50 p.m., it was moved by Skogman and supported by Piri to reconvene the regular meeting. The motion carried.
At 7:50 p.m., it was moved by Skogman and supported by Olsen that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.