The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Meeting Minutes for 05-15-17



May 15, 2017


Mayor Skalko called the City Council meeting to order at 6:32p.m. with the following members present: Joe Prebeg, Jr., Alan Stanaway, Steve Skogman, Susan Tuomela, and Mayor Gary Skalko. Also present were: Craig J. Wainio, City Administrator; Tim Satrang, Director of Public Works; Amanda Inmon, Municipal Services Secretary; Sally Yuccas, Librarian Director/Special Events Director; Rod Flannigan, City Engineer; Bryan Lindsay, City Attorney and SGT John Backman, Sheriff’s Department.


It was moved by Skalko and seconded by Tuomela that the consent agenda be approved as follows:


  1. Approve the minutes of the April 20, 2017, Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting as submitted.


  1. Approve the minutes of the May 1, 2017, regular meeting as submitted.


  1. Approve the minutes of the May 8, 2016, Local Board of Appeal and Equalization reconvene meeting as submitted.


  1. That the communications be accepted and placed on file and those requiring further action by the City Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.


  1. To acknowledge the receipts for the period May 1-15, 2017, totaling $172,182.54 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).


  1. To authorize the payments of the bills and payroll for the period May 1-15, 2017, totaling $448,942.66 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).


The motion carried.


Public Forum:


  • No one spoke during public forum


The Mayor reported on the following:


  • Happy belated birthday to Lillian “Lil” Angelo turned 95 on May 12th


The City Administrator reported on the following:


  • West Two Rivers Campground opened May 12th
    • Reservations taken at City Hall or at West Two Rivers Campground
    • Online reservations through City of Mountain Iron website


It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Stanaway to approve the Utility Easement with the Mountain Iron-Buhl School, to accommodate the construction of the High School. All costs associated with the easement and power line relocation are to be paid for by the Mountain Iron-Buhl School District. The motion carried.




Director of Public Works:


  • Water line break on Highway 7, thank the City workers for spending their Saturday fixing the water line


It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Tuomela to approve the authorization the City to purchase 200 tons of road salt for the 2017-2018 winter, at the State bid price of $61.50 per ton to be delivered to the City’s salt pile. The motion carried.


Library Director/Special Events Coordinator:


  • Thursday, May 18th at 9:00am, “Chair Yoga” at the Mountain Iron Library Basement
  • Merritt Days meeting-3rd Thursday of every month at 6:00pm at the Mountain Iron Library


Sheriff’s Department:


  • Do not hesitate or be afraid to call 911 if someone is behaving at the West Two Campgrounds


City Attorney:


  • No formal report


City Engineer:


  • No formal report


It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Skogman to accept the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and extend an offer to Bradford Bennett for the Wastewater/Water Operator position pending physical, drug/alcohol test and background check. The motion carried.


It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Tuomela to hire the following as summer temporary employees:


Public Works/Public Utilities:           

Tevin Woinarowicz    Marydith Long

Brody Bissonette         Arin Marks

Andrew Dale               Dylan Leff

Patricia Overbye


Parks & Recreation:

Riley Wilson               Casey Kitner



Anne Grierson



Cody Ellis                   Jill Ellis

Chelsea Mayry            Wyatt Phaneauf

Paul Peterson              Laura Peterson

Lindsey Lampi Arin Marks

Corey Johnson             Brody Bissonette

Jeff Tiedeman              Rusty Dall

Jesse White                 Chris Primeau

Audrey White



Raija Sarich                Madilyn Jankila


The motion carried.


It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Stanaway to approve Resolution #14-17; Authorizing the sale of certain property located and described as Lot 8, Block 7 in Merritt’s First Addition to Mountain Iron to adjoining property owners. The lot will be sold as half lot for $250, if one owner declines the entire lot will be offered to the other owner at $500 (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried, with Skogman abstaining.


The council reviewed the list of communications.


At 6:52p.m., it was moved by Skalko and seconded by Skogman that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.



Submitted by:




Amanda Inmon

Municipal Services Secretary





  1. Monday, May 22, 2017 from 1:30-3:30pm meeting with Senator Al Franken, at the Virginia City Council Chambers
  2. Minnesota Department of Revenue advised of the annual hearing on unmined iron ore assessments for the year 2017, scheduled for Monday, May 22, 2017 at 10:00am at the U.S. Bank Building, 230 1st Street S, Suite 102, Virginia, MN
  3. Mediacom announces extending Gigabit Broadband Services to Five-County area of Northern Minnesota, this second wave adds 37 communities where residents can connect to new generation of cable industry technology.

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Campground Reservations

West 2 Rivers Reservations

218-735-8831 or 218-749-0533

The campground office is open annually May-September. If you have any questions about reservations outside of these months, please call Mountain Iron City Hall at 218-748-7570.

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