The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

May 5, 2021 City Council Minutes



May 3, 2021

Mayor Anderson called the City Council meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with the following members present: Councilor Julie Buria, Steve Skogman, Joe Prebeg Jr., Ed Roskoski, and Mayor Peggy Anderson. Also present were: Craig Wainio, City Administrator; Tim Satrang, Director of Public Works; Amanda Inmon, Municipal Services Secretary; Anna Amundson, Library Director/Special Events Coordinator; Al Johnson, City Engineer; Kevin Friebe, Sheriff’s Department and Jim Hipple, Fire Department Assistant Chief.

It was moved by Skogman and seconded by Prebeg that the consent agenda be approved as follows:

  1. Approve the minutes of the April 19, 2021, regular meeting as submitted.
  2. Approve the minutes of the April 21, 2021, LBAE meeting as submitted.
  3. That the communications be accepted and placed on file and those requiring further action by the City Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.
  4. To acknowledge the receipts for the period April 16-30, totaling $249,723.39 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes),
  5. To authorize the payments of the bills and payroll for the period April 16-30, totaling $293,519.40 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

Councilor Roskoski suggested that the minutes of the April 19th City Council meeting be changed to reflect to include seasonal coaches, as the pay and criteria are different from regular seasonal summer employees. These differences were not mentioned during the Council discussion at the last meeting, but they were advertised differently in the paper. Example being an adult coach; $1,000 per season, however assistant coaches; 16yrs and older; $12per hour; umpires must be 16yrs of age and older; wage is per game. Councilor Roskoski stated that the minutes should reflect these changes, as the City would be hiring for two different types of employment.

It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by Anderson to amend the minutes to include, “the differences regarding the different requirements for seasonal employees and seasonal coaches.” And to state “It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by Buria to not accept the recommendation of the St. Louis County Assessor and reduce the value amount from $4,700 to $1,800 to the property of Phillip Etter at 5712 Mineral Avenue, Mountain Iron, Parcel Code 175-0070-01242. The motion failed on roll call vote (No: Skogman, Anderson, Prebeg; Yes: Roskoski, Buria).  

The motion carried.

Public Forum:

  • Tammy Lysnes spoke regarding Shorthair Lane, how City/County road restrictions were not in place, concerned that the road has had little to no pavement and has been destroyed, graded the road as to every inside corner is now at a slope. Stated that the City is negligent in regards to the care of the road, the road is in need of extreme repair, wants to know who is going to pay for the repairs.
  • Councilor Prebeg asked if the recent movement and usage of trucks on the road was due to a construction further up the road
  • Councilor Roskoski stated that the lane is broken in to many small pieces and is now severely rutted in several places; these trucks hauling were traveling on County Roads when road restrictions were in place by the County. City did grade the road, however there is no gravel or sand left, it is just clay on the surface, with the majority what was on the road previously now in the grass, where residents mow.

It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria to table the any work on Shorthair Lane until the Public Works Director can give a report and possible recommendation. The motion carried.

The Mayor reported on the following:

  • Commend City workers for tracking down recent water-line break and getting it fixed in a timely manner without any incidents

City Administrator:

  • At request of Councilor Prebeg, prepared a COVID-19 plan which includes opening of lobby

It was moved by Skogman and seconded by Buria to approve the COVID-19 Third Preparedness Plan for the City of Mountain Iron as presented, with the re-opening of the City Hall Lobby being on June 1st. The motion carried (Yes: Prebeg, Skogman, Buria, Roskoski; No: Anderson).

Director of Public Works:

  • Water-line break effected large portion of City, great job for City crew for isolating water break
  • Shorthair Lane reporting at next meeting
  • Wastewater Treatment plant received an accommodation for their work

Library Director/Special Events Coordinator:

  • Library will plan to open on with reduced hours based on approved preparedness plan
  • Limited Library Hours starting on Tuesday, June 1st:
  • 10:00am-12:00pm
  • 4:00pm-6:00pm

Sheriff’s Department:

  • No formal report, couple Deputies were recently injured, one in a car accident and another while making an arrest, both are doing well
  • Follow up with Deputy in regards to Shorthair Lane and weight restrictions

City Engineer:

  • Water plant project is roughly 50% complete
  • Well project – test drilling went well, determine next best step for production well
  • drilled roughly 670 feet

Fire Department:

  • five call-outs during the month of April

It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by Skogman to accept the Fire Department report as presented. The motion carried.

It was moved by Skogman and seconded by Roskoski to accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Committee and approve the Variance Permit for Jeffrey Peterson, DBA: B.G.’s Bar & Grill, at 5494 Highway 7, Virginia. The property is legally described as follows:

            Parcel Code: 175-0014-00035

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Block 001, S ½ of Lot 1 and all of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Canadian            No 2nd Addition to Virginia

            Address: 8367 Tamarack Drive, Mountain Iron, MN 55768

The motion carried.

It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Skogman to accept the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Committee and approve the Variance Permit for Jason Gellerstedt at 8367 Tamarack Drive, Mountain Iron. The property is legally described as follows:

            Parcel Code: 175-0012-00770

            LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 0018, Block 003, Ann’s Acres

            Address: 8367 Tamarack Drive, Mountain Iron, MN 55768

The motion carried.

Jason Gellerstedt mentioned that he was told he would be required to apply for a building permit if approved by City Council, by Jerry Kujala at last Planning & Zoning meeting. However, Mr. Kujala also told him that because the pizza oven was smaller than 100 sq. ft. that he would not be required to complete a building permit. Wanted to know if one was required, which Councilor Skogman stated he would not need one based on the size of the pizza oven being below the 100 sq. ft. requirement.  


  • Councilor Roskoski questioned Councilor Prebeg if anyone had contacted him regarding a pedestrian crosswalk being constructed at Emerald Avenue and the Rock Ridge intersection. An individual contacted Mr. Roskoski, it was mentioned that along the entire route of Highway 169, east to west in Mountain Iron, from Hoover Road to Spirit Lake Road, a distance of over five miles, there are only three official pedestrian crossing areas to cross Highway 169. Locations being one at the bridge on Hoover Road, the second at County 7 to Enterprise North and the third being downtown at South Grove under Highway 169. On the Northside of Highway 169, there is 99% of Kinross, with some living on the other side. Also on the Northside of Highway 169, there is Downtown, Raintree Apts., Carriage Homes, Park villa and Park place apts. and Parkville. Yet there are only three official crossing areas, with one being a major developed area. Stated that MN Dot cannot be easy to work with, but if we as a City work with MN Dot, we can get the needed official pedestrian crossings across Highway 169, between Emerald Ave. to Rock Ridge. With a school being on both sides, as well as those that want to cross for other reasons, this crossing would provide a safer way to cross. Suggested that the Street and Ally committee and Public Health Safety committee for further review

It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by Skogman to accept the COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for the Mountain Iron Senior Citizens Center as presented, and the Senior Center be allowed to utilize the Center, with an opening date of Monday, May 10, 2021. The motion carried (Yes: Roskoski, Buria, Skogman No: Anderson, Prebeg).

  • Carolyn Olsen stated that seniors wanted to use the building and hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, May 10th
  • City Administrator stated that the City would like to open the buildings all at one time, would like to have a plan for all and not just open one building at a time
  • Councilor Skogman stated that he would like to see a soft opening, a commitment from the Seniors that only they would be the only ones utilizing the building, no other programs at this time
  • Councilor Prebeg stated that he would like to see a plan for the Seniors along with other buildings, which would include the Library and City Hall lobby
  • Councilor Roskoski mentioned that he like the term soft opening, the Seniors do not include people from all of the state or from other states, across the border in Canada, it’s a club, with members who belong to the club, believes should monitor the situation but get things started, learn and apply what is learned to the rest of the buildings

It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Skogman to approve Resolution #06-21; Authorizing the City of Mountain Iron to make an Application to and Accept Funds from the Commercial Redevelopment Grant Program from the Department of IRRR, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.

It was moved by Skogman and seconded by Prebeg to approve Resolution #07-21; Reaffirming the Council’s Commitment to Service and Civility, (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.


  • Councilor Roskoski Merritt days committee meeting
  • At 6:00pm on May 6, 2021, at the MIB School (please use door #4 and wear a mask)
    • Merritt days is planning on a 2021 celebration

At 7:41p.m., it was moved by Buria and seconded by Prebeg that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.

Submitted by:

Amanda Inmon

Municipal Services Secretary

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