May 17, 2021 City Council Minutes
May 17, 2021
Mayor Anderson called the City Council meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with the following members present: Councilor Julie Buria, Steve Skogman, Joe Prebeg Jr., Ed Roskoski, and Mayor Peggy Anderson. Also present were: Craig Wainio, City Administrator; Tim Satrang, Director of Public Works; Amanda Inmon, Municipal Services Secretary; Anna Amundson, Library Director/Special Events Coordinator; Al Johnson, City Engineer; Kevin Friebe, Sheriff’s Department and Bryan Lindsay, City Attorney.
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria that the consent agenda be approved as follows:
- Approve the minutes of the May 3, 2021, LBAE meeting as submitted
- Approve the minutes of the May 3, 2021, regular meeting as submitted.
- That the communications be accepted and placed on file and those requiring further action by the City Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.
- To acknowledge the receipts for the period May 1-15, totaling $190,885.75 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes),
- To authorize the payments of the bills and payroll for the period May 1-15, totaling $641,299.37 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).
Councilor Roskoski stated that in the previous minutes, there were no mention of the letter received by only the Council members, City Administrator and Director of Public Works, nor regarding the pictures Mrs. Lysnes brought, would like them added for future reference, and placed on file with the City. Councilor Skogman stated that the letter received at the previous meeting was added to tonight, May 17’s meeting, due to its length and amount of information.
The motion carried (Yes: Anderson, Roskoski, and Skogman No: Prebeg, Buria).
Public Forum:
- Jerry Kujala stated that he received complaints from a couple property owners in town, after the snow melted, regarding alterations to lots, which was causing standing water due to fill placement. Mr. Kujala wanted to know what he should be doing or where he should be referring these individuals, as there is no City Ordinance regarding fill placement or lot alteration. Bryan Lindsay stated the matter could be considered civil matter, but should do a consolation afterwards.
- Councilor Roskoski stated that a house was brought in
- Tammy Lysnes read the letter which she wrote regarding Shorthair Lane, (letter filed in minutes binder at City) and handed to Councilor members, City Administrator and Director of Public Works for discussion during the May 3, 2021 meeting, which was tabled for the May 17, 2021 meeting
The Mayor reported on the following:
- Concerned citizen – upset about what was said at the last meeting regarding vaccines, due to the ever-changing information, those concerned should check out the Minnesota department of Health website– epidemiology dept.
City Administrator:
- As requested at last meeting, 4th Version of the COVID-19 plan has been prepared for approval
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Skogman to approve the COVID-19 Version Four Preparedness Plan for the City of Mountain Iron as presented, with the re-opening of the City Hall and other buildings being on June 1, 2021, following all State and local guidelines. The motion carried.
It was moved by Skogman and seconded by Buria to hire the following as summer temporary employees:
Public Works/Public Utilities:
Caden Renzaglia
Parks & Recreation:
Riley Kitner Skylar Mattila
Madison Overbye
Lisa Stevens Cassie Stevens
Charlie Overbye Mike Larson
Josh Inmon Justin Inmon
Corey Johnson Jimmy Janckila
Bob Fox Jesse White
Audrey White Megan Priener
Jennifer Otto Cecilia Schneider
Abigail White
Tennis: Umpire:
Rajia Sarich Monte Speidel
Annie Marcella Rick Zubina
Jill Westerbur Ellie Autio
Carter Movich
The motion carried.
It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by Skogman to run two more ads in the Hometown Focus and Mesabi Daily News for Public Works/Public Utilities Summer Employees. The motion carried.
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Skogman to table the purchase of recycling bins from Nedlund Industries for discussion at a future date. The motion carried.
- Councilor Roskoski stated that the street damage on the short City Street into the south end of UPS is quite similar to the Shorthair Lane situation. Mr. Roskoski stated that in March 2021 a City Contractor severely damaged the short City Street into UPS during snow removal; City workers repaired this street during the summer of 2020. However, after November’s snow and heavy slush, the damage is way beyond any normal City work. Mr. Roskoski’s son took pictures, what used to be the street in one area is now in a pile on the other side. UPS employees and countless others use this short City Street, every working day, including the weekends.
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Skogman to send the repair of the short City Street into the south end of UPS to the Street and Alley Committee for further review and discussion. The motion carried.
Director of Public Works:
- Discussed streets status regarding short City street located south of the UPS, agreed that is beyond City work repair in its current state
- Road side clean-up, individuals have contacted City for help in the past and made arrangements for vests and trash bags to be provided by the City, encourage and cooperate with citizens who participate in trash pickup
- Certificate of Commendation to the Wastewater Treatment Facility Operational Award, great job to Mountain Iron WWTP and its staff for exceptional compliance with its MPCA NPDES/SDS wastewater permit during the 2020 review period
Library Director/Special Events Coordinator:
- Library will plan to open on with reduced hours based on approved preparedness plan
- Monday – Thursday 10:00-12:00pm & 4:00-6:00pm
- Summer Reading program 2021
- Monday, June 7th – Friday, July 30th
- Take & make Craft kits
- Story Strolls – June 15th, June 29thm July 13th & July 27th
- Chalk the Walk – June 22nd & June 23rd
- Tie Dye – July 20th & July 21st
- City of Mountain Iron Community “Clean-up days”
- Thursday, June 3 – Saturday, June 5th
- Open to all residents, families, civic groups and business
- Bags, gloves, safety vests provided
- Call (218)750-4911 to register your team & designate your pick-up date/time/area
It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by Prebeg to approve the COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for the City of Mountain Iron Library as presented, with the re-opening of the Library being on June 1st, following all State and local guidelines The motion carried.
Sheriff’s Department:
- No formal report
City Engineer:
- No formal report
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria to approve Pay Request No. 2 – for the Well Project– Well Number 3, in the amount of $134,472.50, to Peterson Well Drilling, Inc., Mountain Iron, MN. This amount includes a 5% retainage. The motion carried on roll call vote.
City Attorney:
- No formal report
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Skogman to approve the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and hire Kerry Dahl to the Mountain Iron Fire Department as paid on call firefighter, contingent on physical and background check. The motion carried.
- Councilor Roskoski – Library board met on May 12th, topics discussed during meeting by Mrs. Amundson, the next meeting will be in September after summer recess
- Councilor Roskoski stated that residents seemed to be happy regarding passed Resolution #7-21, prompted positive talk around town “The purpose of City Government, why is Mountain Iron called a City? Because people live here. How are the people’s needs taken care of? By a Government called the City Council. Who decides who is on the City Council? The people who live here decide by voting. Who takes care of people’s needs? Hired City employees with varied skills. How are the employees paid? By taxes paid by the people who live here. How are the people’s needs, wishes, concerns, of the people who live here taken care of? By letters, phone calls, public forums, meetings, suggestions, complaints, rules and laws. In other words, the Government is for the people, by the people.”
Director of Public Works responded to Shorthair lane concerns
- 2018 MN State Community and Technical College Grader Training instructor worked with four Mountain Iron City employees, with hands on training with specifics on recovering gravel from road shoulders and reshaping the road surface, shoulder and fore slopes
- Grader safety
- Operators manual overview
- Pre-shift inspection
- Grader control functions
- Grader operations
- Shutdown/post shift inspections
- Councilor Prebeg – is there a regular grading schedule for City Roads or is it based on the condition of road
It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by to have the City repair as soon as possible, all grader damage the east side of the road on Lysnes property, repair their driveway, all grass and sod, all gravel, rocks, and sod clumps be removed. The motion carried failed due to lack of support from fellow Councilor members.
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Skogman to move any further discussion regarding Shorthair lane be referred to the Street and Alley committee. The motion carried.
- Councilor Roskoski requested that all meeting notices for Streets and Alley meetings be sent to him and Mrs. Lysnes in writing.
It was moved by Skogman and seconded by Buria to approve Resolution #08-21; Rescinding Resolution #02-20, declaring local emergency (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria to approve Resolution #09-21; Charitable Gambling, Premises permit for Virginia Elks lodge (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.
It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by Prebeg to accept and add the Fire Department report as presented to the minutes. The motion carried.
- Community Supporting Students- open to all Business & Civics groups to support and promote
- To add things/items to bags which will be given to all students from MIB public schools
- Thursday, May 27th at 3pm at the City of Mountain Iron parking lot
- Merritt Days Committee meeting
- Thursday, June 3rd at the MIB high school commons area (door #4)
At 8:03p.m., it was moved by Skogman and seconded by Prebeg that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.
Submitted by:
Amanda Inmon
Municipal Services Secretary