Library Minutes 09-13-17
The September 13, 2017 Library Board meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. by Carolyn Olsen. All members present.
Motion by Kathy, second by Peggy to approve the May 10, 2017 minutes as read. Motion passed.
Communications/ Announcements: The MIB Football Hall of Fame event will be held Sat, Sept 16. It kicks off at the library with an open house/coffee ‘n for the Hall of Fame inductees and their families. Annuals and scrapbooks will be on display for them to enjoy. The Class of 1960 met at the librar on 9/13/17 and were impressed at all the changes in the library and enjoyed the tour, coffee ‘n , etc.
No public Forum.
Director’s Report:
Sally handed out reports and circulation records for June, July and August and spoke about the successful summer reading program. A list of all the top reader’s was also handed out. Special thanks to the summer city workers who helped quite a bit throughout the summer during the big weekly events. Special thanks also to the Friends of the Library who offered much financial support for the reading program.
The library budget is right on target.
Sally and Julie will be taking advantage of as many training workshops as possible at the Arrowhead Library System office. Storytime will be held at 10 a.m. each Tuesday beginning in October.
Sally brought up the fact the library’s printer needs to be replaced. Next printer will hopefully have wireless option and a scanner/fax service. Also, our outdoor sign was vandalized and cannot be fixed. Sally will work on signage quotes and ideas.
Sally showed board members the new and improved floor move change in the children’s department. The entire book collection was moved and children’s books are now at a lower level for the kid’s to have better and safer access while selecting books. A “Teen Zone” area has been developed complete with new bistro table, new teen book area and a charging station. Kudo’s to Julie for her creative ideas and hard work on this project.
The Reading room in the lower level is getting constant use and well appreciated. The book to movie event continues to be a popular monthly event with two showings.
Shirley and Carolyn requested information on when their terms on the board expires.
Our next meeting will be held on Oct 11 at 4 p.m. Motion by Kathy, second by Shannon to adjourn. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted, Shannon Petersen, Secretary