Library Board Meeting Minutes for January 11, 2017
Mt. Iron Public Library Meeting Minutes: January 11, 2017
Meeting called to order by President Carolyn Olsen at 4:40.
Members present were Shirley Congdon, Kathy Witzman, Peggy Anderson, Sally Yuccas, Carolyn Olsen, and Shannon Petersen. Also present was city liaison, Al Stanaway.
Motion to accept minutes from October 12, 2016 was made by Kathy Witzman and second by Shirley Congdon.
Director report was shared by Sally Yuccas discussion followed, the adult reading program started January 4, 2017 and the FOL gave us a generous donation of $500.00 for prizes. Very much appreciated by the board. Youth program starts January 15-March 15. It will be a program by Paul Bunyan’s Big Zombie read, a flyer was passed out. Julie is also excited to start a Winter Read a Book/Watch the Movie program. It filled up real fast and has to be no more than 12 as the quiet room will be used and books are all .reserved through Arrowhead system. The date for this is February 23; we will keep you updated as how this goes. Yuccas reported that the storage room is cleaned, and also 2 new computers were purchased for staff use which will give patrons one more computer to use. 2016 budget went over a bit as the city has incorporated a new electrical system that wasn’t planned for.
New Business: The lighting in main area has become an issue with the bulbs burning out, they are quit a job to change, Yuccas will work with city to get this repaired. New TV for “Quiet Room” has been purchased and awaiting placement of wall mount and new cable to be run. Very exciting!!!!
We had some open discussion re: our meeting times, stays at 4:30 for now. Also long discussion on Library hours, it was decided to do a trial run of opening at 10:00 daily from Monday to Saturday with closing staying the same, M-Th close at 6:00, F & S close at 2:00. It will be more consistent hours and Yuccas is always at the library at this time and people want to come in on the way to work or errands. We will report back in February. Note: no meeting was held in November or December due to not enough members available.
No further discussion so next meeting will be February 8, 2017.
Motion made by Kathy Witzman and second by Shirley Congdon to adjourn at 5:20.