The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Library Board Meeting Minutes for February 08, 2017

The Feb 8, 2017 Mt. Iron Library Board was called to order at 4:30 by Olsen. All members present, Alan Stanaway, Liason and Sally Yuccas, Director. Motion by Peg, second by Kathy to approve the Jan 11, 2107 minutes. Motion passed. No communications, no public forum.


Director’s report: Formal report was handed out. Yuccas also brought up she had recently attended an all day workshop at the library headquarters regarding the summer reading program. She also mentioned she on the MIB Community Education board which will be a benefit for the library to announce activities, events, etc and work together with the school.


Two programs coming up: ECFE group will have an evening event at the library on Feb 7th. The Old McDonald Musical program will be held on Friday, Feb 17 at 6 p.m. The Winter Adult and Children’s reading program are going very well and folks are enjoying the variety of weekly prizes. The first ever “book and a movie” night will be held on Feb 23 at 5:30. The Blind date with a Book program started Feb 6 and will continue throughout the month. Yuccas also noted February is “I love to Read” month.


Yuccas brought up that the library is in need of a knox box so the Fire Department has access to the libray in case of emergency or fire. Al volunteered to take care of this matter.


A discussion was held about the library hours. Staff kept accurate statistics and presented it to the board about library usage. The library board made a decision to change the library hours effective March 1st to: Monday – Thursday: 10-5 p.m. Friday and Saturday: 10-2 p.m.


Meeting time: A request was made by Shannon to start library board meetings at 4 p.m. for future meetings. All members agreed this will work. Next meeting will be on March 8 at 4 p.m.


Motion by Shirley, second by Kathy to adjourn at 5 p.m. Motion passed.


Shannon Petersen, Board Secretary

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