The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

Library Board Meeting Minutes for August 30, 2016





The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Renzaglia.  Members present:  Reynold Renzaglia, Bruce Peterson, Joe Matanich, Harvey Hellyer, and Susan Tuomela. Others present:  Michael Downs, Public Works Director, and Lisa Stevens, Accounting Technician. Not present: Joe Prebeg, Council Liaison.


It was moved by Hellyer and supported by Peterson to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2016 meeting. The motion carried unanimously.


No one was present at the public forum.


Joe Matanich inquired about the status of the Sweet Water Project. Mike Downs said he had heard that it was a go but doesn’t know any more details. No other old business was discussed. 


The Director of Public Works reported that a MN Power substation on highway 53 took a lightning strike during the storm that took place on August 28 which caused a power outage in the Quad Cities.


Matanich questioned the Director of Public Works if the City is selling the back lots of Garden Drive to the residents. The director noted that there hasn’t been any information available yet.


Renewing the MMUA Safety Contract was discussed. Chairperson Renzaglia questioned if the City is getting its money’s worth with it. Mike Downs said yes, they do JTS training for linemen and apprentices. They also travel to the City to provide other safety trainings monthly. Chairperson Renzaglia moved to send a recommendation to the council to renew the contract and Sue Tuomela sent support. The motion carried unanimously.


Woodlawn Estates that is being built on Highway 7 was brought up by the Chairperson as far as who is supplying utilities to the new development. Mike Downs stated that the City would supply the power that would be taken from Carnation & Jasmine. All would be would underground. It was questioned if this would be paid for by the City or reimbursed from the development. Mike said it would probably be similar with Unity and South Grove Forest Additions where residents pay for transformers but the enterprise funds would take a hit on this. There are two phases for the development so the fees would be spread over a two year span.


The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, September 27, 2016.


At 4:15 p.m., it was motioned by Matanich and supported by Tuomela to adjourn the meeting.  The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Accounting Technician

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