Library Board Meeting Minutes for April 13, 2016
Mt. Iron Library Board Meeting Minutes: April 13, 2016
Meeting was called to order by Shirley Congdon, Acting President, at 3:55.
Members present were Shirley Congdon, Kathy Witzman, Shannon Petersen, Peggy Anderson, and Sally Yuccas. Al Stanaway, City Liaison, and absent was Carolyn Olson.
Motion to accept minutes from March 9, 2016 from Witzman and 2na by Anderson. Motion passed. Yuccas read a letter from Vernon Lind requesting a book signing, he enjoyed his last visit. Yuccas will look into it and contact him. A director report was handed out and discussed. March went well with a lot of activity and a sub librarian was hired was hired on March 21, 2016, Roxanne Reed. She lives in Britt and is well suited for position. Yuccas, Petersen, and Prebeg interviewed, she will start in April pending physical and background check. So far the new library times are working well. Summer reading program is titled “Read For A Winn and a tentative schedule was handed out with a June 8 kick off. It looks to be fun and exciting. Two big draws will be Duke Otherwise and a Olympic magic show. The TOT program wants to continue and will meet monthly, it is well attended and very much appreciated. Yuccas shared a print out from another library re: a pre- teen program they do which is something she looks to the future for. It is also National Library Week and goodies donated from FOL have been offered to patrons all week.
Unfinished Business – Lenci has been here to measure and 4 windows ordered to replace broken ones. Just waiting, apx. $1,000.00 will come from the library budget. A work order has been put into the city to remove basement cabinets so that the ‘Quiet Room” redo can move ahead. A big thank you to Gloria Gagnon for donating a 55″ TV to the new area, everyone is excited about this. Communications between City Hall and library usage is now on track, a lot of changes were going on and all had to learn new procedures.
New Business-A request was made to possibly change our meeting time from 4:00 to 4:30 or 5:00. After much discussion we are tabling until fall meeting as we only have one meeting left.
Open Discussion-Stanaway reported the gun safety meeting is enjoying the use of the library, especially the power point and the TV, things are going well for them.
Next meeting will be May 11,2016 at 4:00.
Motion made to adjourn at 4:30 by Witzman and second by Petersen. Motion passed
Respectfully submitted, Shannon Petersen, Secretary