The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

June 6, 2022 City Council Minutes



June 6, 2022

Mayor Anderson called the City Council meeting to order at 6:30p.m. with the following members present: Councilor Ed Roskoski, Joe Prebeg Jr., Julie Buria and Mayor Peggy Anderson. Also present were: Craig Wainio, City Administrator; Tim Satrang, Public Works Director; Amanda Inmon, Municipal Services Secretary; Al Johnson, City Engineer; and Grant Toma, Sheriff’s Department.

It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria that the consent agenda be approved as follows:

  1. Approve the minutes of the May 16, 2022 regular meeting as submitted.
  2. That the communications be accepted and placed on file and those requiring further action by the City Council be acted upon during their proper sequence on the agenda.
  3. To acknowledge the receipts for the period May 16-31, totaling $1,371,328.61 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes),
  4. To authorize the payments of the bills and payroll for the period May 16-31, totaling $386,176.06 (a list is attached and made a part of these minutes).

The motion carried.

Public Forum:

  • No one spoke during the public forum

The Mayor reported on the following:

  • Great job to the City Crew on street cleanup

City Administrator:

  • No formal report

It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria to hire the following as summer temporary employees:

Public Works:                                       Coaches:

Nolan Dunn                                          Anna Beadette 

Beau Tapio                                           Nicole Nygard

                                                            Julia Lindseth

The motion carried.

Director of Public Works:

  • Significant rain storm recently, 3 employees, as well as myself, worked throughout the night, continuously checking lift stations , big thank you to Ty Hebl, Brad Bennett & Mike Dundas
  • Culver issue at Oriole Avenue in Parkville, recently replaced
  • Large trash started today – running from Monday, June 6th – Friday, June 17th
  • Finishing up pothole repairs as well as street sweeping

It was moved by Anderson and seconded by Prebeg to table the recommendation by the Library Board to allow Library Staff to participate in the “Fresh Start Summer,” program. The motion carried.

Sheriff’s Department:

  • No formal report
  • Reaching out to Schools, going to evaluate safety measures

City Engineer:

  • No formal report

It was moved by Buria and seconded by Prebeg to approve Change Order No. 2 – for the Proposed Well #3 project, with an increase of $10,299.00 for TNT Construction Group, Grand Rapids, MN. The motion carried on roll call vote (4:0).

Liaison report:

  • Councilor Roskoski commented on the work which was recently done on Highway 7

It was moved by Roskoski and seconded by Prebeg to send Thank you letters from the Mountain Iron City Council to St. Louis County Commissioner Nelson and to the St. Louis County Highway Dept. for the fine maintenance work recently completed on Highway 7. The motion carried.

It was moved by Buria and seconded by Roskoski to approve Resolution #07-22; Authorizing the City of Mountain Iron to Make an Application and Accept Funds from the Community Infrastructure Grant Program from The Department of the IRRR (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried.

It was moved by Prebeg and seconded by Buria to approve Resolution #08-22; Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Street Improvement to Second Street between 16th Avenue and Highway 53 by road construction, alignment, and drainage improvements (a copy is attached and made a part of these minutes). The motion carried (Yes: Anderson, Prebeg, Buria; No: Roskoski).


  • Merritt Days Committee meeting
  • Tuesday, June 14th @ 6:00p.m. at MIB High school commons area (use door #4)
  • Merritt Days Celebration days Wednesday, August 10th – Saturday, August 13th

At 6:52p.m., it was moved by Buria and seconded by Roskoski that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried.

Submitted by:

Amanda Inmon

Municipal Services Secretary

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West 2 Rivers Reservations

218-735-8831 or 218-749-0533

The campground office is open annually May-September. If you have any questions about reservations outside of these months, please call Mountain Iron City Hall at 218-748-7570.

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