April 24, 2019 PHSB Minutes
Mountain Iron
Public Safety and Health Board Meeting Minutes
Mountain Iron Community Center
April 24, 2019
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Al Stanaway at 6:30 PM.
- Members present: Mark Madden, MIFD Liaison Alternate, Margaret Ratai, Steve Skogman, Margaret Soyring, Al Stanaway. Also present: MIFD Chief Gerry Knapper, St. Louis County Sheriff Sargent John Backman, City Councilor Joe Prebeg, Craig Wainio, Administrator.
- Consent Agenda:
- Motion by M. Ratai and second by M. Soyring to approve the March 27, 2019 minutes. Motion carried.
- Additions to agenda: Old Business – MIFD Position Analysis dates, McGarth Report formal acceptance and approval. New Business: Animal Control reports, April 17th Fire Departments Shared Services Study Joint Collaboration Meeting between Mountain Iron and Virginia.
- Communication – none
III. Public Forum: none
- Committee and Staff Reports
- First Responders Report:
- Five AEDs have been ordered.
- AED use and location featuring Wal-Mart “save” MIFD Nyman First Responders and Asst. EMS Director J. Hipple, C. Pylkka, RN, EMS flight nurse, was a feature on WDIO by reporter Renee Passal. VFD is recommending all involved with the “save” an award by the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Department.
- Fire Department Report:
- Total calls: 6, Mutual Aid Calls: 1, Fire Hours: 6, MI Call Man Hours: 10,
Mutual Aid Man Hours: 4, Total Man Hours: 14, Mutual Aid Hour %: 29
False Alarms: 2, Working Calls: 4, FF/Working Calls: 14, FF/False Alarms: 3, Total Responders: 17, FF per Call: 2.83, FF per Working Call: 3.50, % Member Response: 22%
- The MIFD Call/Mutual Aid and Call/ Response Report is posted monthly for fire fighter review. Individual Firefighter time is tracked
- New printer and scanner in use. Wi-Fi is working. Files are now kept electronically on the City Server.
- MIFD door lock codes have been changed. Chief has notified active members of the code. Plan to change code when a member has left the department and/or per need.
- New hire interviews will be conducted within the month. Chief will make arrangements with C. Wainio Administrator and Personnel
- Two fire fighters are attending the NFPA 1001 Class by Fire Instruction and Rescue Education at MIFD that ends in May. An additional HazMat awareness training will be held for participants on June 4th.
- Chief has reserved spots for 3 firefighters to attend IS 300 at Fayal FD the first weekend in May and 4 firefighters to attend IS 400 at Fayal FD the first weekend in June.
- Current Position Analysis for Firefighter, First Responder, and Training Officer obtained from City Administrator.
- Position Analysis for all department positions is being reviewed and updated to reflect new requirements, current SOG, standards, MN League of Cities models.
- MIFD Position Descriptions Firefighter, Captain-Safety Officer, Captain-Training Officer have been revised and sent to the Personnel Committee for review and recommendation on April 12. Copies sent to the Public Health and Safety Board for informational purposes only.
- Board recommends that Chief Knapper contact Public Works Director about status of ventilation system updates to meet current code. To date one quote has been received by City Administrator for the fire department side of the City Garage.
- Discussion held on need for a larger air compressor to accommodate monthly vehicle tire pressure checks. Chief will price out a mobile unit and determine if it can be purchased within the current budget. If not, budget for 2020.
- Emergency generator discussion. Chief Knapper will contact Public Works Director about status for fire department side of building.
- Sheriff’s Office Report – none
- Other – none
III. Unfinished Business
- Position Analysis dates was received from C. Wainio, Administrator.
Chief 4-5-10, Asst. Chief 8-5-13, 4 Captains 10-7-13, EMS Asst. 4-5-10,
Training Officer 4-7-08, Firefighter 4-7-18, First Responder 4-5-10.
- McGarth Fire Department Shared Services Report was accepted and approved by the City Council per Chairperson Stanaway. No further action need by
- New Business
- Anytime Fitness update. MIFD Officers updated MIFD Fitness Reimbursement Policy Number 2016-04 Adopted November 7, 2016. The Department has renegotiated the contract with Anytime Fitness and usage policy as follows:
- The number of keys has been reduced from ten to seven. This will reduce the membership by approximately $130/month.
- Five keys will be issued to members. An additional condition for members being issued a key will be to sign a revised waiver allowing the City to deduct from their payroll the monthly cost ($35) of an individual membership if usage requirements are not met.
- Two keys will be available at the Fire Hall as training tools for others to utilize as desired. They will check out and return to the Department before and after each use.
- The Department will work with the City to revise the waiver as needed to ensure payroll deductions are appropriately being applied.
Discussion about obtaining overdue fees from current and previous firefighters. MIFD will contact A. Inmon, Secretary, to have an updated report of overdue payments and then send the report to the City Administrator to forward to the Collections Agency.
- Animal Control Patrolling report discussion. C. Wainio will contact Animal Control to have quarterly reports sent to the City Administrator and Public Safety and Health Board.
- Joint Collaboration Meeting with Mountain Iron and Virginia held to formulate the next steps outlined in the Fire Department Shared Services Study, set up joint committee to implement the recommendations outline in the study, set ground rules for the joint committee to assist in accomplishing the goals held on April 17th at Mountain Iron Community Center. John Ehret, State Fire Marshall’s Office, discussed previous cooperative efforts. City Administrators will compile a list of committee members from each community to include the Fire Chiefs, unbiased MIFD firefighter, VFD union member, 1-2 Councilors per community and possible Public Safety and Health Board or other community member. C. Wainio will submit the names to the City Council for approval at the May 6th meeting.
VII. Open Discussion
- Storage of Fire Truck # 34 in a controlled environment with a location to display the truck discussed. Motion by M. Soyring and second by M. Ratai have the City Council look for a place to store the truck at a new location that is environmentally controlled and will allow public display. Motion carried.
- Status of MIFD input into the final build of the new fire truck discussed. MIFD was not involved in the initial specifications. Chief Knapper directed to contact Pierce staff by email to establish a meeting to review the final truck build specifications and provide input for any additional items needed.
- Discussion about April 12th MIFD correspondence to the Board that was not included in the agenda.
- Request that agenda and minutes be sent both by US mail and electronically.
- Secretary will send minutes to City Administrator for distribution due to staffing changes.
VIII. Announcement
- Ordinance meeting on Tuesday, May 7th at 6 pm. Topics: Animal Control, Public Nuisance, Weeds, Open Burning
Motion by S. Skogman and second by A. Stanaway to adjourn. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:31 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Margaret A. Ratai