Vision/Mission Statement
The City of Mountain Iron values:
Fair and equitable treatment of all citizens.
Our responsibility to continual improvement of skills and abilities to enhance overall production and performance.
Open communication and community involvement.
Honesty, accountability and ethics in government.
Our past heritage while striving for long term growth and a promising future at all times maintaining City beauty in an environmentally sound manner.
Consistent enforcement of all Ordinances and Laws.
All issues that are presented to the City and respects the outcome of those issues.
Hard work to maintain a feeling of safety and security.
Our duty for fiscal responsibility.
The delivery of effective and exceptional City services.
The benefits and responsibilities our rural location bestows and pledge to actively cooperate with other jurisdictions to address issues that impact our City and region.
To respond to the ever-changing needs of our community and its residents; and to ensure their financial and personal security through guided quality growth, innovation, and the efficient use of resources.