Library Board Meeting Minutes for September 14, 2016
The September 14, 2016 Mt. Iron Library board meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. by C. Olsen. Members present: Shannon, Carolyn, Kathy, Peggy, Shirley, Sally. Absent: Al Stanaway.
Motion by Witzman, second by Anderson to approve the May 11, 2016 minutes with one correction on spelling of names for Kathy Witzman and Carolyn Olsen. Motion passed.
Sally gave a three month update on library communications and summer circulation and programs were all very successful and well attended. Yuccas also reported that the community art project was framed and put up in the entry way. Sally mentioned that family and friends of Jim and Ellie Jenko raised monies for a memorial bench which will be located in the front of the library. Julie is working on a program regarding “you’ve read the book, now watch the movie.” Yuccas applied for and received a scholarship to attend the upcoming MLA Conference in Duluth in September.
Old Business: The library windows have been installed and adjusted. We had a problem with the air conditioners and they have been fixed as well.
New Business: It was suggested we hold a class for folks with iPADS. Yuccas will look for volunteers to teach a class to new I pad owners to help assist our patrons.
Next meeting will be October 12 at 4:30 p.m. Motion by Witzman, second by Congdon to adjourn at 4:35 p.m. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Petersen