10-27-17 UAB Minutes
Mountain Iron Utility Advisory Board
Mountain Iron Water Plant
24 October 2017
Meeting was called to order 4:00p.m. by Chairperson Renzaglia
Members present: Reynold Renzaglia, Harvey Hellyer, Bruce Peterson, Sue Tuomela, and Mike Downs. Others present: Tim
Satrang, Public Works Director, Joe Prebeg, Council Liaison, Ty Hebl, Lead Water/Wastewater Operator, Allen Johnson, Benchmark
Moved by Tuomela and supported by Hellyer to approve the Consent Agenda including the October 24, 2017 minutes. Motion
Public Forum:
Reports: Reviewed 13 October 2017 water line break near 8600 Mud Lake Road. It was reported the break was a corrosion type.
Types of breaks will be recorded and trended. The city, in the future, can evaluate the water distribution system and use this info to
optimize investments. Discussion took place on corrosion vs. an actual crack. This break was detected by Satrang driving by and
seeing water. Discussion took place of how this break happened after hydrant flushing was finished up for the year. Water lines tend
to give out at weak spots after hydrant flushing takes place.
Old Business:
•!• Tabled the Bulk Biosolids Disposal increase until Satrang and Lisa Stevens can work together on a recommendation.
·:· Former Nichols Township Lagoons Decommissioning: Allen Johnson with Benchmark Engineering reported that 60% of the
primary pond is completed. The project has possibly ended for the season depending of a predicted storm. Weather has
played a factor for this project falling behind. A change order will most likely be needed as a substantial amount of work will
not be completed as scheduled. Johnson called it a no-cost change order. The final completion date should not be effected.
New Business:
·:· Gulbranson installation of power line: Satrang reported that work has started on the installation of a new power feed from
the substation behind Walmart to where it currently crosses highway 169 near the athletic field by Merritt School. A contract
with Gulbranson has been approved by the city council already to take advantage of the fall work season. A portion will be
directionally drilling approximately 200 feet of conduit, a portion will be plowing approximately 1425 feet of conduit, and a
portion will be to direct bury approximately 1000 feet three phase wire. This project is feed line for the voltage increase
·:· Renzaglia had questions about the Transformer Storage Area. Satrang discussed plans for storage of transformers and other
equipment behind the city garage. Benchmark is currently staking out property boundaries. An area has been cleared of trees
and brush. Discussion took place of a new, more secure area driven by how the City will put together a PCB Management
program. Fencing and cameras will be installed. Satrang and Hellyer have had discussions in the past of Retro filling
Transformers, Storage of Transformers, and Labeling of Storage areas and containment practices. Extensive sampling and
testing took place at one time with the city; however, more types of PCBs are now being recognized. The MPCA has been
in contact with the City (Satrang). A plan was propose to identify all transformers in the city and determine the PCB levels
of each transformer that don’t fall into the “assumption rule”. If the city does not do this, it will have to be assumed, as far as
reaction to a leak and cleanup, that the spill contains high level of PCBs. Discussion took place of joining the RCS
Regulatory Compliance Service.
·:· Water Treatment Plant Tour: Lead Water/ Wastewater Operator conducted a tour of the Water Treatment Facility. A hole
has developed on the underdrain of one of four filters. A report from Stantec Engineering will be put together of patching
versus replacing the filters. The facility was put on line in 198 I and is currently 36 years old. One of the purposes of having
this meeting at the water treatment facility is to familiarize the UAB of the wtp and help with future decisions.
Other Items or Concerns:
Discussion on 11dministr111ive l11w judge heming 111 Mesabi Community College for the propose rule by the MPCA to regul11te sulfate discharges.
Set next meeting 111 28 November 2017.
Moved by Peterson 11nd supponed by Hellyer to 11djoum.
Respectfully submitted,
Director of Public Works