022425 PZ Minutes
Mountain Iron Planning and Zoning Commission
February 24, 2025
Acting Chairperson Jim Techar called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following members present: Margaret Soyring, Steve Giorgi, Lauren Buffetta, Mayor Peggy Anderson, Jerry Kujala, Zoning Administrator. Absent: Barb Fivecoate
Moved by Giorgi supported by Stanaway to accept the Consent Agenda and minutes of the February 10, 2025 meeting. Motion carried. Absent: Fivecoate
Moved by Giorgi, supported by Stanaway to recommend the City Council approve Ordinance 05-02 Amending Chapter 151 of the Mountain Iron City Code ( Flood plain Management). Motion carried. Absent: Absent: Fivecoate
.Moved by Giorgi, supported by Buffetta to adjourn at 6:25 p.m. Motion carried. Absent: Fivecoate
Respectfully Submitted by Secretary Margaret Soyring