09-28-22 Minutes
Mountain Iron
Public Safety and Health Board Meeting Minutes
Mountain Iron Community Center
September 28, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson at 10:04 AM.
- Members present: Julie Buria, Margaret Ratai, Margaret Soyring. Also present: St. Louis County Sheriff Sgt. Grant Toma, Council Edmund Roskoski, Mesabi Humane Society members: Linda Scott, Board Chairperson, Carly Gobats, Marketing Director, Liz Ward, Animal Control Officer Absent: Mayor Peggy Anderson, Steve Hunter, MIFD Liaison Fire Chief Mark Madden.
- Consent Agenda
- Consent Agenda approval: Motion by J.Buria and second by M. Ratai to approve Consent Agenda. Motion Carried.
- Motion by and second by to approve August 24, 2020 minutes. Motion Carried.
- Communications: MIFD Paid On-Call Fire Department and First Responders September 20, 2022 letter First Responder proposal.
III. Public Forum: Councilor Roskoski gave a second presentation on the history of City of Mountain Iron Animal Control practices. He noted that in his opinion the City of Mountain Iron contract with Mesabi Human Society is just fine and should be left alone and this is the opinion of others too. Council Roskoski left the meeting after his presentation.
- Committee Staff Reports
- First Responders: No report. Fire Chief Madden presented the 3rd Quarter Call for August to the City Council at the September 7th Council meeting. There was one (1) response call out of fourteen (14) paged.
- Fire Department Report:
Fire Chief Madden presented the 3rd Quarter Call and Mutual Aid Report and Call and Response Reports at the September 7th Council meeting. Sixteen (16) total fire calls, 10 mutual aid calls, 6 false alarms/cancelled calls, ten 10 working calls. Total Call Man Hours 116hrs with 71% mutual aid hours, FF/Working Calls 51, FF/False Alarms/Canceled Calls 18 for total of 69 responses, FF per call 4.31, FF per working call 5.10 with Member Response at 20%. Roster total =25 Firefighters. Training participation noted 2 FF in EMT class until May.
City Council approved 3 Lieutenant positions on September 7th.
Community Steps program coordinated with NE MN United Way had three groups with 110 pairs of shoes given to children in the area. There was great support from other fire and police departments. Shoes were obtained for children out of the area by fire departments in their locality.
Proposed Fire Department officers for the Personal Committee and October 3, 2022 City Council meeting are: Asst. Chief – Jim Hipple, Director of First Responders – Brian Hoag, Captains – Danny Zupancich, David Felten, Kyle Tomczyk, Curtis Schramm, Community Outreach Coordinator – Laura Anderson.
- Chairperson Soyring presented the First Responder Proposal by Chief Madden and Assistant Chief Hipple for a First Responder mutual aid agreement with adjacent Mountain Iron service area fire departments to include Clinton, Kinney and Virginia with possible increase to other local areas per need. Contract with MJM Medical Direction Services for medical direction services as a non-transporting EMS agency for $750.00 annual free to begin on January 1, 2023. Contract would include Medical Director services by Dr. Julie Houle, MD. MIFD First Responder training and documentation requirements. Proposed First Responder stipend increase starting January 1, 2023.
See attached letter for details and MJM Consortium Application.
NOTE: Correction on page 3 for time from 6:59 PM to 6:59 AM.
Motion by M. Ratai, second by J. Buria to recommend the Mountain Iron Paid On-Call Firefighter and First Responder Department First Responder Proposal to the City Council for the next Council meeting agenda on October 3, 2020. Motion Carried. Chairperson Soyring will send proposal recommendations to the Mayor for the October 3rd City Council agenda.
- Sheriff’s Office Report: St. Louis County Sheriff Department officers and deputies are now wearing body cameras.
- Other – Mesabi Humane Society: January 1, 2022 to present – May: 3 cats that were present that resulted in 12 kittens
- Unfinished Business
- Members of Mesabi Humane Society
Discussion held about the Mesabi Humane Society Contract with the City of Mountain Iron for 2021, 2022 and 2023. Past practice had the City of Mountain Iron Pubic Safety and Health Board review the upcoming contract proposals and recommend the contract to the City Council. The Board was not provided with the current contract prior to 2021-2023 contract approval. City of Mountain Iron compensation in the current contract is: $21,500.00 for 2021, $23,000.00 for 2022 and $24,500.00 for 2023. 2021 compensation is the same as 2020 due to COVID- 19 patrolling reduction.
The Mesabi Humane Society currently has contracts with the Cities of Biwabik, Gilbert, Mountain Iron, and Virginia Information how the original contract costs were determined are not available to the current Mesabi Humane Society Board. The Board establishes contract fees based on cost of living, city population, city area. The Cities of Biwabik and Gilbert only have animal pick-up without any patrolling. Mountain Iron has patrolling and pick-up in residential areas. The Sheriff’s Department patrol will pick up animals after patrolling hours to bring to the Shelter.
The Humane Society also has a contract with St. Louis County Sheriff’s Department for animals picked up outside city limits and the 5 day animal hold fee. The base fee is $8000 with a cap around $17,000.
The Mesabi Humane Society provides each municipality shelter care, retrieval and transportation to animals detained or taken possession in the city limits. Animal Control Officer (AFO) patrols the municipality during the week at random times checking for and picking up roaming animals with the city limits. The AFO is available daily and after hours for emergencies.
The Mesabi Humane Society runs a “no kill” animal shelter limited to 100 animals. Foster care is arranged when the animal limit is exceeded. Neutering fees and vaccinations average $200 per cat and $275 for dogs with no veterinarian discounts available plus boarding for an estimated total of $400 prior to pet adoption. Spraying is an additional $75 per animal. Adoption costs average$40 per animal stated today. The Shelter averages 500-700 animals per year
City contracts cover one-third (1/3) of the Shelter operating costs. The Mesabi Humane Society funds the remaining budget with donations and fund raisers.
Request by Chairperson Soyring for Mesabi Humane Society to recalculate the City of Mountain Iron costs based on the low number of animals the City has historically had at the Shelter and patrolling costs in the populated areas of Mountain Iron due to the City’s large rural size. Mesabi Humane Society Board Chairperson will bring this request back and contact Chairperson Soyring about future City contract costs.
- Open Discussion
- City Ordinance updates for Chapter 31 Departments, Boards, Commissions and Authorities: Fire Department § 31.001 to 30.014, Chapter 93: Animals, Chapter 96: Nuisances were forwarded to the Mayor and City Administrator after the October 30, 2019 Public Safety and Board meeting for City Council readings and action. Chairperson Al Stanaway was to request City Administrator Wainio to have the Ordinances put on the November Council Agenda. The first reading of these ordinances was held on December 21,2020 with prior review by City Attorney Bryan Lindsay. The Council minutes do not reflect the ordinance names.
The January 19, 2021 minutes : It was moved by Skogman and seconded by Roskoski to adopt the changes to the ordinances presented by the Public Health and Safety Board at the December meeting. The motion carried.
Effective November 15, 2021 the City Council repealed and amended Chapter 31 Fire Department § 31.001 to 30.014, for Sections§ 31.001, 31.008, 31.011.
City Administrator Wainio now states that the § 31.013 Firefighter Special Fund should not be in the ordinance.
The City Council’s second reading of the Chapter 93: Animals will be on October 3, 2022 and the second reading of Chapter 96: Nuisances will be on October 17, 2022. Copies of the proposed updated Ordinances were sent to City Administrator Wainio and Mayor Anderson last week.
A second reading to update the Fire Department Ordinance second reading on January 19, 2021 and to delete § 31.013 has not been established as of this Board meeting.
VII. Motion by M. Ratai and second by J. Buria to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:28 AM .
Respectfully submitted by:
Margaret Ratai