10-27-21 PHSB Minutes
Mountain Iron
Public Safety and Health Board Meeting Minutes
Mountain Iron Community Center
October 27,2021
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson at 10:00 AM.
- Members present: Julie Buria, Steve Hunter, Margaret Ratai, Margaret Soyring. Also present: St. Louis County Sheriff Sgt.Kevin Friebe , Mayor Peggy Anderson. Absent: Steve Skogman, Asst. Fire Chief James Hipple MIFD Liaison.
- Consent Agenda
- Consent Agenda approval: Motion by M. Soyring and second by S. Hunter to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.
- Motion by M. Ratai and second by J. Buria to approve September 29, 2021 minutes. Motion Carried.
- Communications: None
III. Public Forum: None
- Committee Staff Reports
- First Responders: No formal report.
- Fire Department Report: No formal report.
City Council removed the “interim” label for MIFD Fire Chief Mark Madden at the October 4, 2021 City Council meeting. MIFD Fire Chief has appointed Asst. Fire Chief James Hipple as the Liaison to the Public Safety and Health Board.
Fire Prevention week activities were posted on Facebook.
- Sheriff’s Office Report: No formal report.
Sgt. Grant Toma replaces Sgt. K. Friebe due to St. Louis County Sheriff Department staff modifications effective November 8th.
City Council has scheduled a public hearing on Monday, November 1st at 6:00 PM for 5623 Oriole Avenue violation of Ordinance Ch. 96, Nuisance in pursuit of Section 96.23 per City Council Minutes
- Other – Mesabi Human Society: No formal report.
Discussion held on Animal Control services and City approval of 2021 budget
expenses. Past practice has been the Public Safety and Health Board review
services and proposed upcoming year budget. Motion by M. Ratai and second by
- Soyring to have Mayor Anderson investigate services and fees to the City of
Mountain Iron provided by Mesabi Human Society including Animal Control for
the current year and proposed 2021. Motion carried.
- Unfinished Business: None
- New Business: None
VII. Old Business
- Paid-On-Call Fire Department and First Responder Ordinance revision.
October 15, 2021 proposed revision drafted by MIFD Chief Mark Madden reviewed. Motion by M. Ratai and second by J. Buria to approve the Paid-On-Call Fire Department and First Responder Ordinance revisions as presented. Motion carried. Secretary Ratai will send an electronic copy to Mayor Anderson and City Council members and request inclusion on the next City Council agenda.
VIII. Open Discussion
- Discussion about remaining City of Mountain Iron ordinances and codes reviewed by the Public Safety and Health Board for updates. MIFD will be updating the following Ordinances: Chapter 90 Fire Prevention Code and Chapter 97 Knox Box pending additional Fire Marshall consultation. Chapter 96: Nuisances – Open Burning §96.60 – 96.99 still needs to be reviewed by MIFD. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) notifies the City and Sheriff’s Department of burning permits.
Chapter 92: Swimming Pools had been referred to Planning and Zoning for review. No feedback to date.
- Chapter 115 Tobacco Regulations has not been updated by the City Council to reflect amended federal Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Act known as the Tobacco 21 law passed on December 20, 2019 and State of Minnesota Tobacco 21 law passed on August 1, 2020 with changes to purchase tobacco and tobacco related products (including e-cigarettes and vaping products) from 18 to 21 years old. Also request “City Police” language be changed to “local law enforcement”. Secretary Ratai will contact Mayor Anderson to request the needed changes to be in compliance with federal and state law and have updates be placed on City Council agenda for review and action.
- Discussion held about scheduling the Committee to explore building a new fire hall soon. Mayor Anderson will contact the proposed member to schedule a meeting before years end.
- MIFD will participate in the Halloween Trucks and Treats on October 31, 2021 from 3:00 – 6:00 PM at the Library, South Grove Rec Complex, Nichols Town Hall and YMCA. Sponsored by MFID and City of Mountain Iron Parks and Recreation. Announcements posted on Facebook, at the Library and in the community.
- MIFD Community Steps Informational Meeting scheduled for Thursday November 4 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. RSVP by November 1st:
Email: MIFD @ci.Mountain-Iron.MN.US or Call: 218-929-1625
- Announcements:
- Next Public Safety and Health Board meeting will be called by the Chairperson per need.
- Adjourn: Motion by M. Ratai and second by J. Buria to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M (corrected 5-11-2022) 12:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by:
Margaret Ratai