09-29-21 PHSB Minutes
Mountain Iron
Public Safety and Health Board Meeting Minutes
Mountain Iron Community Center
September 29, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson M. Soyring at 6:32 P.M.
- Members present: Julie Buria, Margaret Ratai, Margaret Soyring. Also present: St. Louis County Sheriff Sgt. Kevin Friebe, Mayor Peggy Anderson, Councilor Ed Roskoski.
- Consent Agenda
- Consent Agenda approval: Motion by M. Ratai, second by J. Buria to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried.
- Motion by M. Ratai, second by J. Buria to approve August 25, 2021 minutes. Motion Carried.
- Communications: None
III. Public Forum: None
- Committee Staff Reports
- First Responders: No report.
- Fire Department Report: No formal report.
- MIFD held the first Community Steps program spearheaded by Laura Anderson on August 31st and the second round on September 22nd per articles in the Mesabi Tribune, Home Town Focus and Facebook posts by MIFD and United Way. 39 K-12 students participated in the program with financial support from the United Way of Northeastern Minnesota and St. Louis County Family Services Collaborative. Famous Footware offered a 20% discount on the shoes. Katie Evans of Range Foot and Ankle checked the children’s feet for sizing and fit.
MIFD had a tour of the Fire Hall, provided fire safety training and participant families received a smoke detector. MID and Eveleth Fire Department assisted with transporting the children to Famous Footware.
- Sheriff’s Office Report: No report.
- Friebe is working with Christophe Johnson, St. Louis County Tax Forfeited Division regarding public nuisance blight complaints. Parties involved have been legally sited for public nuisance blight.
- Other – Mesabi Human Society: No report.
- Unfinished Business
- Fire Department Ordinance Revisions.
Motion by M. Soyring and second by M. Ratai to table any action on the revisions at this meeting. Motion carried.
- Posting of Board Minutes and Ordinances on City Website.
- Ratai sent C. Wainio, City Administrator, “clean” copies of the Paid-On-Call Fire Department and First Responders, Animal Control and Public Nuisance Ordinances approved in January after the August 25th meeting.
- Ratai spoke with C. Wainio, City Administrator requesting 2020 Board Minutes and April 21st minutes plus updated Ordinances be posted per email request. Board Minutes for January 20 and September 30, 2020 and April 21,2021 have been posted. Ordinances have not been posted under Ordinances and/or Codes on the City website.
- New Business
- Explore New Fire Hall Building Committee.
At the September 7th City Council Pubic Safety and Health Board Chairperson M. Soyring presented a request to the City Council to establish a committee to explore building a new fire hall. Committee to look at possible funding, hire a consultant to identify needs, location, etc. After the consultant’s reports is completed Committee membership will expand to community citizens. This process may take 5-7 years. Motion passed by City Council to establish a such a committee.
Proposed Committee membership: Mayor Peggy Anderson, City Councilor City Joe Prebeg,Jr., City Administrator Craig Wainio, , Public Works Director Tim Satrang, Interim Fire Chief Mark Madden, Firefighter Jared Ecklund, Pubic Safety and Health Board member Margaret Soyring.
Motion by J. Buria, second by M. Ratai to present the proposed New Fire Hall Building Committee members to Mayor Peggy Anderson for appointment. Motion carried. Proposed Committee membership list given to Mayor Anderson.
VII. Open Discussion
- MIFD and City of Mountain Iron Parks and Recreation are having a Trucks and Treats on October 31st from 3:00 – 6:00 PM at the Library, South Grove Rec Complex, Nichols Town Hall and YMCA. Children can stop at any of the four locations for candy, hot chocolate, fun & games plus costume contest on-the-spot. Vote for the most creative location. Fire prevention information, free hats at all locations while supply lasts. The event is sponsored by the City of Mountain Iron, MIFD, YMCA and United Way of Northeastern MN.
Information about the event has been posted on the Mountain Iron Public Library Facebook page and flyers at local businesses. This event replaces the Halloween Carnival.
- The MIFD is hosting a Community Steps Informational Meeting on Thursday, November 4 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. When you RSVP you will receive a confirmation email and a Zoom link will be sent closer to 11/4/21. RSVP by November 1st by email: MIFD@ci.Mountain-Iron.MN.US or call 218-929-1625.
Community Steps is helping local families and students know their community is with them every step of the way. Through expansion of partnerships with additional fire departments/agencies and cities, the program will help more people feel supported by their community.
Information has been posted on the City of Mountain Iron website and City and Library Facebook page.
- Discussion held about changing meeting times to mornings/daytime. Chairperson Soyring will contact committee members about preference.
- Discussion about moving forward with additional Ordinances that were updated.
- Ratai will contact MIFD Interim Chief Madden about status of Fire Code and Knox Box ordinance updates.
VIII. Announcements
- Next Public Safety and Health Board meeting will be held on October 27. Time to be determined.
- Motion by M. Ratai and second J. Buria by to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:02 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by:
Margaret Ratai