121119 LB Minutes
Mountain Iron Public Library
December 11, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm. Members present: Carolyn Olsen, Peggy Anderson, Kathy Witzman, Marcia Bergquist, liaison Al Stanaway, and Library Director Anna Amundson. Absent: Shannon Petersen. Minutes of the October and November meetings were read. Consent Agenda and minutes was moved by Peggy Anderson and 2nd by Kathy Witzman.
No communication. No Public Forum.
Director’s report: The basement work is almost complete with the mold abatement company coming to get their equipment shortly after the new year. The discolored wall will be painted and shelving will be installed as well. The Winter Reading Program will run January 6 – February 28; 2 family movie nights have been added to the schedule along with a new program – Infant/ Toddler Play Dates at the library.
Old Business: The outdoor sign – this will be installed in the new year when city crews are able to dig into the ground. It was mentioned to add the library hours and information to outgoing city mailers – i.e. utility bills or the like. The board thanks President, Carolyn Olsen, for her time and talent on the Library Board. She is retiring effective January 1, 2020. Coffee an’ was served and a card presented at the meeting. Peggy Anderson has a donor for a 2007 MIB Laurentian yearbook. The library is missing this year/ this copy ONLY in its collection. Thank you, Peggy.
New business: New circulation dates will be presented in the new year along with library Code of Conduct. Anna is researching old library policies and will have something for consideration in January.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 at 4:00pm. Motion by Kathy Witzman and seconded by Peggy Anderson to adjourn at 4:41 pm. Motion passed.
Submitted by Anna Amundson for Shannon Petersen, Secretary