12-27-23 Minutes
Mountain Iron Public Safety and Health Board Meeting December 27, 2023
Alan Stanaway called the Public Safety and Health Meeting to order at 6:08; with the following members present:, Steven Hunter, Alan Stanaway, Mark Madden (6:28), sheriff, & Shelby Peterson.
Absent members: Councilor Julia Buria, Caitlyn Rinell, and Mayor Peggy Anderson
Public Forum: none
Sheriffs business:
-coffee with cops went well; 15-20 people.
Old business:
New Business:
-Al Stanaway shared that Chief Madden is looking at a new Fire Department Training and Equipment Policy. The committee talked about the policy and potential issues and loopholes. It was mentioned that the city attorney would need to look at the policy to find any issues involved.
Motion Carried:
-Motion made by Steve Hunter to pass this new policy to City Council for discussion; Al Stanaway second. Opposed Shelby Peterson. Motion carried 3:1.
Open discussion:
-Steven Hunter brought up the condition of the sidewalks. At this time it is in the hands of the county engineer.
-discussed the number of training hours needed within the fire department; 1400 hours of training required by the fire department.
-10 people per training/event.
-Brian looking at adding capabilities.
Next agenda:
-Next scheduled meeting is January 24th at 6:00pm.
- Wf?. will be looking at nominations for officers’ options.
Motion Adjourned-6:47pm.