112817 UAB Minutes
Mountain Iron Utility Advisory Board
Mountain Iron Water Plant
28 November 2017
Meeting was called to order 4:00p.m. by Chairperson Renzaglia
Members present: Reynold Renzaglia, Harvey Hellyer, Bruce Peterson, Sue Tuomela, and Mike Downs. Others present: Tim Satrang, Public Works Director, Joe Prebeg, Council Liaison, Bradford Bennett, Water/Wastewater Operator
Moved by Hellyer and supported by Peterson to approve the Consent Agenda including the October 24, 2017 minutes. Motion carried.
Public Forum: None
Reports: Perpich service line was discussed. The repair was made to a service line because the leak was on the City side of the shut off valve.
Old Business:
Tabled the Bulk Biosolids Disposal increase until Satrang and Lisa Stevens can work together on a recommendation.
Water Treatment Plant – Waiting for recommendation letter from Ryan Capella
Former Nichols Township Lagoons decommissioning: The contractor Viet pulled crews off the job early because of saturated conditions. They did indicate their intent is to mobilize equipment prior to road restriction so that the earliest possible working conditions can be taken advantage of.
Electrical Voltage Upgrade Project: Gulbranson did manage to the directional boring of conduit, however, the early snow shut their crews down early for the year. They will pick up with the rest of the project this spring.
Transformer Storage Area/PCB project was briefly discussed. Crews were out inventorying transformers in the downtown area of Mountain Iron.
New Business:
Brad Bennett, Water/Wastewater Operator for the City, gave a Power Point presentation of the Nichols Township Lagoon Abandonment Project. Discussion followed.
Other Items of Concerns:
Moved by Peterson and supported by Hellyer to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Tim Satrang
Director of Public Works