100919 LB Minutes
Mountain Iron Public Library
October 9th, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 4:04 pm. Members present: Carolyn Olsen, Peggy Anderson, Kathy Witzman, liaison Al Stanaway and Library Director Anna Amundson. Absent: Marcia Bergquist, Shannon Petersen. Motion was made by Peggy Anderson, seconded by Kathy Witzman to accept the September meeting minutes.
No communication. No Public Forum.
Director’s report: We are in the final stages of the clean-up from the water damage. We are waiting on the mold abatement company to finish removing the books and their equipment. New shelves and painting will be the next steps.
Old Business: The strips for the stairs will be installed later this month. All library activities have been moved to the Senior Center until further notice.
New business: No new business.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 at 4:00pm. Motion by Kathy Witman and seconded by Carolyn Olsen to adjourn at 4:44 pm. Motion passed.
Submitted by Anna Amundson for Shannon Petersen, Secretary