The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

092618 Public Health Minutes

Mountain Iron

Public Safety and Health Board Meeting Minutes

Mountain Iron Community Center

September 26, 2018

Meeting called to order by Chairperson Al Stanaway at 6:35 PM. Members present: Margaret Ratai, Steve Skogman, Margaret Soyring, Al Stanaway and Steve Hunter at 6:47. Also present: Fire Chief Gerry Knapper, St. Louis County Sheriff Sgt. John Backman.

Motion to approve consent agenda and August 29, 2018 minutes by M. Soyring and second by M. Ratai. Motion carried. Motion carried.

Committee and Staff Reports:

  1. First Responder report by Fire Chief G. Knapper.
  • Eight (8) AEDs were purchased and arrive on September 22nd. ZOLL representative will be conduction training with date TBD.
  • Jeff Cielocha, First Responder Coordinator, will be leaving the area for a

            new position.  Chief Knapper will request his written resignation.

  1. Fire Department report by Fire Chief G. Knapper.
  • One (1) fire call in September at Mountain Manor. City Council has approved hiring Lisa Richards as new fire fighter in September. 
  • Staff trainings conducted using USX Parkville houses to be demolished: forcible entry, breaching walls. Working with Clinton Fire Department to secure a farmhouse for future training.  Staff will attend “live burn” training on October 6th in Nisswa.  The “live burn” trailer will be at the Fayal Fire Department in October for training.
  • Truck 04 and 188 failed vacuum pump tests. Waiting for repair quotes.
  • October 7-13 is Fire Prevention Week. Chief Knapper has sent a tentative schedule to Mountain Iron – Buhl Principal James Jotter and Craig Wainio, City Administrator.  Discussion to also copy Tim Satrang, Public Works Director, of dates and times.  Chief will inform T. Satrang of schedule and his time on the project.  Promotional materials were ordered for student distribution.
  • Fire Hall lighting has not been installed and will be done when staff is available. Shelving units have not been installed per discussion at last meeting.
  • Replacement of gear 10 or more years old has been completed. Gear is now OSHA compliant and inventory updated.  Fairville Fire Department purchased old gear with a letter of release from liability sent by C. Wainio, Administrator.   
  • MacQueen Emergency Group is demonstrating Pierce pumper truck to the Fire Hall on October 8th at 6:00 PM. Board members are invited to attend along with the Mayor and City Councilors. 
  • Skogman has been researching other truck specifications.
  • Purchase of new pumper truck was discussed at City Council meeting in September. City Council wants to wait until the Fire Department study with Virginia FD is completed before any action is taken to purchase a new pumper truck.
  • Discussion on the repair costs for pumper truck 188. Skogman requested a written report be sent to the Board.
  • Firefighter attendance at Anytime Fitness has not been compliant. Chief Knapper is requesting the Board change the MIFD Fitness Reimbursement Policy 2106-04 to have the firefighter’s pay reduced rather than the City bill  the firefighter for reimburse payable to  the City.  
  1. Sheriff’s Office report by St. Louis County Sgt. J. Backman.
  • There is no parking on Unity Drive and Emerald Avenue by the MIB

      Schools.   The streets are not wide enough.  This has been a problem at football games held at the new stadium.  Discussion defer this issue to the  Street and Allies Committee.

  • Unity Addition residents have voice complaints about smoking on their property due to the MIB Schools policy of no smoking on school grounds.
  • Discussion about MIB football stadium access to the field. There are no stairs from bleachers to the field.  Need to access on field level.

New Business:

  1. Ordinance Review
  • Initial meeting held on September 12. Next meeting October 9th at 6 pm, Community Center.
  • Title III Administration reviewed. There is no reference of the Public Safety and Health Board in current Ordinances.  Stanaway met with C. Wainio, Administrator.  April 16, 2007 City Council minutes note the formation of the Public Safety and Health Board, term limits, membership.  Al will send the minutes before the next meeting.
  • MIFD and First Responders can join under one department per conference with A. Stanaway and C. Wainio, Administrator with provisions that a member of FD does not have to be a First Responder and vice versa. Will need to add to the ordinances.
  • MIFD and First Responders have City Policies and Procedures plus Ordinances. Soyring will review the Policies and Procedures to determine what can be incorporated and updated in the Ordinances and what should remain as policy and procedure with recommendations for the next Ordinance meeting. Copies First Responder Selection Policy, Policy for Appointment of First Responder Officers, Policies and Procedures for the Paid On-Call MIFD, Policy for Appointment of Fire Department Officers, Firefighter Selection Policy, MIFD Fitness Reimbursement Policy distributed for review before next Ordinance meeting.
  • Wainio has emailed Bonnie Hundrieser, Hundrieser Consulting to review the Emergency Management Ordinances dates 12-18-2000 for updates and alignment with the current Emergency Operation Plan (EOP). No response to date.

Open Discussion:

  • MIFD Budget:
  • Mark Madden, MIFD, is reviewing the budget. Department is initiating

budget requests.

  • MIFD with support from Mark Madden are working with Amanda Inmon

to determine if the yearly PERA contribution can increase from $2000 to

$2500 per firefighter and maintain a surplus.

  • One former fire fighter has drawn out his PERA pension recently.  No   

other firefighters are due to draw on the pension fund for the next several years.

  • MIFD exploring adding a grant writer to the 2019 budget.
  • Pubic Safety and Health Board minutes are not current on the City of Mountain Iron website. Al Stanaway will address who has the responsibility to keep the minutes current on the website a the next City Council meeting.
  • Discussion to change the October 31st meeting date. No action taken.

Motion by S. Skogman and second by S. Hunter to adjourn the meeting at 7:25. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Margaret A. Ratai

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