The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

08-24-22 PHSB Minutes

Mountain Iron

Public Safety and Health Board Meeting Minutes

Mountain Iron Community Center

August 24, 2022


The meeting was called to order by Chairperson  Soyring at  10:10 AM. 


  1. Members present: Mayor Peggy Anderson, Julie Buria, Steve Hunter, Margaret Ratai (at 10:25),  Margaret Soyring, MIFD Liaison Fire Chief Mark Madden Also present: Councilor Ed Roskoski.


  1. Consent Agenda
  2. Consent Agenda approval: Motion by J. Buria and second S. Hunter by to approve the consent agenda. Motion Carried.
  3. Motion by J. Buria and second by S. Hunter to approve July 7, 2022 minutes. Motion Carried.
  4. Communications: None


III.       Public Forum: Councilor Roskoski commented on the Mountain Iron Animal Control.

                        He questioned the use of a private firm to service the fire trucks instead of                                                            the Public Works mechanic.  MIFD Fire Chief Madden noted laws and                                                             requirements  dictate that the fire department is required to follow                                                              which includes only having a certified emergency medical service trained                                         mechanic work on the department’s vehicles.  Public Works current                                                    mechanic does not have the required credentials.


  1. Committee Staff Reports
  2. First Responders: Verbal report by Fire Chief Madden that response is at 60%. Discussion held on emergency medical services (EMS) dresponse, ambulance service and 9-1-1 Communication calls and call-outs.

Discussion held about proposed First Responder mutual aid agreement with adjacent Mountain Iron EMS response areas.  The proposal would include a designated paid EMS medical doctor as Medical Director, updates to the Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) to align policies, procedures and duties, prehospital plans, medical director sign-off for recertifications, training opportunities with other agency first responders, increased accountability for reports and training. The overall goal is to provide an increased 9-1-1 geographic response area to meet medical call needs and First Responder best practices.   

A stipend increase was discussed.  The current stipend is $10.00 per call.

More discussion and Board action will be held at the next Board meeting.

  1. Fire Department Report: Current roster: 27 Firefighters. Added 14-15 new firefighters in the past year that required training and new turn out gear which increased the budget this year to approximately $240,000.

Currently several firefighters are on medical leave. Recruitment is ongoing.

The retrofit for the new fire truck suction has been installed with payment of $50,000 out of the City Budget.

Three units do not have working radios. Looking at purchasing second hand radios due to $3500 to $4000 cost of new radios. Will obtain used radios from another department and secure installation.  Need for  two new thermal imaging cameras at a cost of $7500 and replacing outdated turnout gear next year.

National Night Out  at City Hall on August 2nd had a good response. 

MIFD was present at Merritt Day with community outreach activities.

Laura Anderson, MIFD Community Coordinator, has collaborated with the United Way of Northeastern Minnesota to present Community Steps.  This year there were 200 applications made on the United Way website compared to 41 last year. Some were out of the area and Laura is working with other fire departments and United Way to have children receive shoes in their areas. Plans are to have the event at City Hall this year for a community meal provided by United Way, fire truck ride and then proceed to Famous Footwear to pick out shoes.  Volunteers from Gilbert, Eveleth and Hibbing police and fire departments are also helping with the event. Dates: August 24, August 31 and September 12.  Minneapolis and Maplewood Fire Departments have contacted Laura about having an event in their area.

  1. Sheriff’s Office Report: No report.  Sgt. Toma on vacation.
  2. Other – Mesabi Human Society: No report per City Administrator C. Wainio.


  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Mesabi Human Society Contract

                        Chairperson Soyring has sent several emails to Linda Scott, Board Chairperson,               with requests for information pertaining to contracted services the City is      receiving and written reports. To date she has not received the information         requested.  The last written report was received in September, 2020 for January –           August, 2020.

                        Discussion held on past practice the City used to process the Mesabi Human                        Society contract.  The Public Safety and Health Board would review the contract       

                        prior to City Council review and approval. This was not done when the contract

                        was approved with the current contract for January 1, 2021 thru December 31, 2023.

                        Chairperson Soyring will contact Linda Scott again via email requesting who

                        manages the shelter and the list of Board members.  If no response by the next

                        Board meeting this issue will be presented to the City Council.


  1. New Business
  2. Blight Ordinance (Title IX: General Regulations, Chapter 96: Nuisances)

      Chairperson Soyring noted that there was a discussion at the last Planning and                     Zoning meeting about an increase in junk and cars in yards that would warrant          blight. Mayor Anderson noted that the City has addressed some blight issues that                   have been reported to the City.  USX has demolished and removed ten houses in   Parkville.  Identified houses in downtown Mountain Iron needing demolition are

      in process.  The Oriole Avenue house is tax forfeited property by St. Louis         County and being addressed by the County Attorney.

      Discussion held about reporting blight, City’s response to enforcing the

      Nuisance Ordinance, publishing the updated Ordinance on the City’s website.

  1. Mountain Iron Paid On-Call Fire Department and First Responders Staffing     Proposal

      Motion by M. Ratai and second by J. Buria to approve the Mountain Iron Paid                       On-Call Fire Department and First Responders proposal for an addition three (3)                lieutenant positions effective January 1, 2023 for a stipend of $25.00/month per   position and have the proposal placed on the September 7, 2022 City Council    agenda. Motion carried.

  1. Soyring will send a letter to Mayor Anderson with the proposal and request to be placed on the September 7th Council agenda.


VII.          Open Discussion

  1. Discussion held on YMCA closing and dissolution, potential building use. 

      Mayor Anderson noted that a non-profit group has formed to explore opening the           building and pool. All leased equipment has been removed.  At this time the            building maintenance and pool maintenance are being done.                               


VIII.           Announcements

  1. Next Public Safety and Health Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 28th at 10:00 AM.


  1. Motion by S.Hunter and second by J. Buria to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:58 AM.


Respectfully submitted by:


Margaret Ratai



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