The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

072318 P&Z Minutes

Mountain Iron Planning and Zoning Commission

July 23, 2018

 Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Steve Skogman.

Those Present: Jim Techar, Barb Fivecoate, Steve Erickson, Tim Johnston, Steve Skogman, Margaret Soyring, and Jerry Kujala, Planning and Zoning Administrator.

Motion by Fivecoate and supported by Erickson to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2018 meeting as presented. Motion carried.

Motion by Fivecoate and supported by Techar to recess the meeting and open the public hearing at 6:05 p.m.

Motion carried.

The purpose of the public hearing is to rezone certain Parcels in the City of Mountain Iron and to revise Land Use Provisions.

Rezone the following from Industrial to Commercial (Nichols Park Addition)

Lot 3, Block 2, NICHOLS PARK, Parcel 175-0035-00120

Lot 4, Block 2, NICHOLS PARK, Parcel 175-0035-00130

Lot 5, Block 2, NICHOLS PARK, Parcel 175-0035-00140

Lot 6, Block 2, NICHOLS PARK, Parcel 175-0035-00150

Lot 7, Block 2, NICHOLS PARK, Parcel 175-0035-00160

Add following language to Land Use Provisions:

  1. 154.028 (B)
  2. (8.) Entertainment, cultural, recreation and amusement establishments
  3. 154.027 (B)
  4. Licensed Day Care Facility

Ed Roskoski asked if the rezoning was for the Iron Range Tykes Day Care Center.

Ed Roskoski spoke against changing the language to Land Use Provisions stating that there are industrial zones relatively close to homes in the City and was against unsuitable businesses being put in these areas.

There were no communication received on any of the issues.

Motion by Soyring and supported by Fivecoate to close the public hearing and return to the regular meeting.

Motion carried.

Motion made by Techar and supported by Fivecoate to recommend to the City Council to rezone from Industrial to Commercial, lots 3-7, block 2, Nichols Park. Motion carried

Motion made by Soyring and supported by Fivecoate to recommend to the City Council to add language to 154.028 (B) (8.) Entertainment, cultural, recreation and amusement establishments. After discussion it was moved by Techar and supported by Erickson to amend the motion to add the language to 154028 (C) instead of (B). Techar, Johnston, Skogman, Erickson, Fivecoate in favor. Soyring against Motion carried.

Motion by Fivecoate and supported by Techar to recommend to the City Council to add language to 154.027 (B) a. Licensed day care facility. Motion Carried.

Flood Plain Maps were available to the commission but were not very clear. Erickson was asked if he could find a better map through the county, which he said he could do.

There will be a meeting on August 13, 2018 for Ordinance Review.

Motion to adjourn at 6:40 by Fivecoate and supported by Johnston. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Margaret Soyring, Secretary

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