The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

062619 PHSB Minutes

Mountain Iron

Public Safety and Health Board Meeting Minutes

Mountain Iron Community Center

June 26, 2019


Meeting called to order by Chairperson Al Stanaway at 6:35 PM.


  1. Members present: Margaret Ratai, Margaret Soyring, Steve Skogman, and Al Stanaway.  Also present: St. Louis County Sheriff Sgt. John Backman.


  1. Consent Agenda
  2. Motion by M. Ratai, Second by S. Skogman to approve the Minutes of                                     May 29, 2019 meeting. Motion carried.
  3. Communications: Mountain Iron Fire Department Call and Mutual Aid                                     Report and Call and Response report for June, 2019 to date sent via email                                 from Mark Madden, MIFD Liaison Alternate and correspondence that he                                   would not be able to attend the meeting.

                          Mesabi Humane Society correspondence and report sent to Craig Wainio                                     via email.


III.         Public Forum: None


  1. Committee Staff Reports
  2. First Responders Report:  none
  3. Fire Department Report:
  • MIFD Call and Mutual Aid Report to date: Total Calls 7, Mutual Aid Calls 5, Fire Hours 11, Mt. Iron Man Hours 8, Mutual Aid Man Hours 29, Total Call Man Hours 37, Mutual Aid Hours % 78%, Year to Date Mutual Aid Hours 53%
  • MIFD Call and Response Report to date: Total Calls 7, False Alarms 0, Working Calls 7, FF/Working Calls 25, FF False Alarms 0, Total Responders 25, FF per Call 3.57, FF per Working Call 3.57, % Member Response 22%. Year to Date Member Response 23%
  1. Sheriff Department Report: none
  2. Mesabi Human Society spreadsheet of cat and dog intakes, transfers, owner

surrender, returned adoptions, live traps, Animal Control Officer pick-ups,

public drop offs, left at shelter, born at shelter, bite quarantine, in foster care,

died at shelter, owner claimed, spray/neuter shelter and public, barn cat

adoptions, adoptions, escaped or lost, EOM population for Virginia, Mountain

Iron, Leonidas, Biwabik, Gilbert and St. Louis County. 

  • Mountain Iron 2019 figures had a cat and dog in January, cat in March,

            dog in May at the Shelter.

  • General stay is 7-10 days. Animals must have current rabies vaccination       to be released to owners or adoptive owner and  $50 vet fee paid by         Owner cost is $35 to claim an animal and $10/day after the first       day.
  • Patrolling in Mountain Iron is early morning, 6:30 – 7:00 AM and evenings after 5 PM.


  1. Unfinished Business
  2. MIFD Truck #34 display and storage had been moved to Parks and                                              Recreation by the City Council
  3. Secretary is to email the minutes to C. Wainio, Administrator due to                                              office staffing shortage.  C. Wainio will assign staff to distribute the                                              minutes.
  4. Board members receiving official City of Mountain Iron posted                                              meeting dates and times, minutes on hold until office staff is available.
  5.          Resolution 19-07 forming the Mountain Iron Public Safety and Health                                              Board does not need an Ordinance per Craig Wainio, Administrator,                                           and conversation with Board Chairperson Al Stanaway.
  6. Motion by M. Soyring and second by M. Ratai to table discussion of                                              Resolution 19-07 rules and election of officers until all Board                                                             members are present.  Motion carried.  This item will be placed on the                                        next agenda.
  7. Chairperson Stanaway had not received any response from C. Wainio,                                            Administrator about  Board members use of personal email accounts                                           to communicate this Board’s business.  S. Skogman noted that tablets                                for City business are being purchased but not who would receive                                 them.
  8. Discussion about MIFD will be added to the September agenda as no                                              officers/members are present tonight.


  1. New Business: none


VII.        Open Discussion

  • Ordinances have been reviewed. Ratai and M. Soyring will type them for review at the next meeting.


VIII.      Announcements

  • Next meeting: September 25, 2019 at 6:30 PM, Mountain Iron City Hall


  1. Motion by S. Skogman and second by M. Ratai to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:02 PM.


Respectfully submitted by:


Margaret A. Ratai, Secretary



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