The Taconite Capital of the World

City of Mountain Iron, Minnesota

041019 LB Minutes

Mountain Iron Public Library

April 10, 2019


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm.  Members present: Peggy Anderson, Carolyn Olsen, Kathy Witzman, Shannon Petersen, Marcia Bergquist, city liaison Al Stanaway, and Library Director Anna Amundson. Motion was made by Peggy Anderson, seconded by Kathy Witzman to accept the March meeting minutes.

No communication. No Public Forum. One library board seat still open.

Director’s report: Attendance was a little down, we had some awful weather days, but circulation was up. It was noted that staff now need to track all reference visits and also how many computer sessions were used. Discussion regarding March events and activities: They went well and we were all pleased. Anna hopes to hire the Prairie Fire Children’s Theater to put on a play in July to go along with the summer reading program. The production this year is the Wizard of OZ. Anna has some good plans for the summer. Sounds fun and exciting.

New business:  Carolyn asked if it would maybe be possible to have a senior class for beginners on phones and ipads. We all felt this was a real good idea.

Open discussion: Anna handed out a sample photo of two types of signs for outdoors. Anna filled us in on the 2 types and said she would check further on the prices etc if we felt it was a good sign for the library. Carolyn made a motion that Anna research prices and we would prefer the double sign if feasible, it was second by Kathy. We also talked about the placement of the AED and first aid kit- great job Anna. The board asked if the new secretary could be trained at the library so she would be able to fill in if regular staff was unable to work. Book sale will be May 16-18; also white elephant sale will take place at the same time.

Next meeting will be May 9, 2019 at 4:00 pm. Motion by Marcia Bergquist, seconded by Kathy Witzman to adjourn at 4:50 pm. Motion passed.

Submitted by Shannon Petersen, secretary

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