04-24-24 Minutes
Mountain Iron Public Safety and Health Board Meeting April 24, 2024
Alan Stanaway called the Public Safety and Health Meeting to order at 6:04; with the following members present:, Steven Hunter, Shelby Peterson, Mary Luomanen, Caitlyn Rinell, and Peggy Anderson.
Absent members: Councilor Julia Buria, Stanaway, Mark Madden, and sheriff.
Public Forum: none
Sheriffs business:none
Old business:-Al Stanaway shared that Chief Madden is looking at some changes to policy. Downsizing fleet; work to the firehall (rearranging in firehall, create room for department for gear); and changes in fitness reimbursement policy.
New Business:
Nominations appointed.
-Shelby Peterson, secretary.
-Motion made by Caitlyn Rinell to appoint Shelby Peterson secretary; second by Steve Hunter. Motion carried.
-Alan Stanaway, chairboard.
-Mothion made by Steve Hunter to approve Al Stanaway as chairboard; second by Caitlyn Rinell. Motion carried.
Open discussion:
-Next year the county is looking at changing the highway crossing by L and M. There will be a public meeting June 20th explaining the reason for a potential J turn. We need citizen input as it weighs heavy on the decision to accept/deny.
Next agenda:
-Next scheduled meeting is May 22nd, 6pm.
Motion Adjourned-6:39
Submitted by: Shelby Peterson