032418 UAB Minutes
Mountain Iron Utility Advisory Board
24 March 2018
Meeting was called to order 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Renzaglia
Members present: Reynold Renzaglia, Harvey Hellyer, Sue Tuomela, and Mike Downs. Others present: Joe Prebeg, Council Liaison, Tim Satrang, Public Works Director, Lisa Stevens, Accounting Technician
Members absent: Bruce Peterson
Moved by Tuomela and supported by Hellyer to approve the Consent Agenda including the 23 January, 2018 minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Forum: None
- 29 January 2018 water line break near 5414 Mineral Ave. Cracked, six-inch ductile pipe. Stainless steel repair clamp used.
- 6 February 2018 water line break near 8777 Merritt Place. Cracked six-ductile pipe. Stainless steel repair clamp used
- Electrical outage on Spring Park Road. High winds most likely caused two separate cut outs to blow.
- Brief discussion on water freeze ups. Satrang said staff had been tracking frost depths and hadn’t reached a point of calling a trickle order in town. Frost depths reached around 73 inches. It reached similar depths 6 out of the last 10 years. With the additional snow, of water at residence wasn’t necessary.
Old Business:
- Nichols Township Lagoons – Viet did not mobilize equipment as they said they would. Discussion took place on grant expiration and final completion date.
- Transformer Storage Area/PCB project.-
This project will start up again this spring. Discussed types of fence construction, containment, capacitor banks etc.
- Electrical Voltage Upgrade-
On hold until spring construction starts.
- Water Filters—
Satrang informed the board that the council approved seeking funds for the water filters. Discussion took place on rehab of the existing filters with draft numbers coming in at $608,000.00 vs. replacement of the existing filters with draft numbers at $878,000.00. Satrang explained the underdrain of the filters had detreated to a point where holes between the cells have formed. There is some serious structure damage at this point in the interior underdrain walls. Discussion took place on different materials besides steel to construct filters (fiberglass or cement). Also, the possibility of other technology.
New Business:
- Garbage Truck:
The City currently owns a 2014 Heil Packer on an International Chassis and a 2009 Heil Packer on an International Chassis. In past purchases of garbage trucks, the city trades its older model in and moves the primary garbage truck to the back-up truck.
The 2009 truck is in the need of a new packer ($6000 or $18,000 for a modified new style), arm re-bushed ($4000 for parts), and the PLC has been repaired once ($500 if it fails a replacement is $5500). Current 2009 truck has 6160 hours and 77331 miles.
Question was asked if a new packer could be used on the old chassis. Mike Downs gave an example of the cost of $60,000 for the manual cardboard packer. Heil would have to do this at the Heil shop.
Spare Truck was estimated to be in use 25% of the time. Most of the use would be while the primary was being repaired or on double run days for holidays.
Heil is the brand most communities use in this area. The local mechanics have a good working relationship helping each other diagnose problems and sharing parts.
The price for the Heil packer would be from MacQueen Equipment $126,337.40. The International chassis with a Cummins engine would be $95,918.42. MacQueen would give $18,000.00 trade in. Total would be $204,255.82.
This is a 2019 Chassis.
Satrang was asked to check or come back with pricing on a 2019 model Heil packer to go with the 2019 chassis.
Other Items of Concerns:
- Brief discussion took place on possibly having garbage customers on an alley or street place their garbage cans on the same side. This would cut down on mileage and possible time as the truck would travel down streets one time.
- One way street sign on island near Brownies.
Meeting Adjourned 1710.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Stevens
Accounting Technician