021319 LB Minutes
Mountain Iron Public Library
February 13, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Carolyn Olsen. Members present: Peggy Anderson, Carolyn Olsen, Shannon Petersen, Kathy Witzman, city liaison Al Stanaway, Library Director Anna Amundson. Motion by Peggy Anderson, seconded by Kathy Witzman to accept the January meeting minutes.
No communication. No Public Forum.
Director’s report: Everything is going very well. The library was VERY busy in January – over 1000 visitors and 5000 items circulated. Anna attended a training session on the new state rules that will be here in the near future. New data will need to be collected throughout 2019 for reporting on the state report – computer usage, reference desk queries, reference materials available and provided to patrons, website visits, mobile hot spot check outs, etc. We have begun tallying these as of 1/2/19. The Mountain Iron Library is second only to Grand Rapids in circulation numbers on a monthly basis; this is truly an honor for this small town library!
Old Business: We discussed again the need for a substitute librarian for when Julie and Anna cannot be here. We will continue this discussion next meeting. We reviewed quotes from Nick’s Signs, Lampi Signs, and Mesabi Sign regarding the installation of the electronic sign outside the building. We will table this until spring. A new First Aid kit and refurbished AED are now in the library! We will look at holding a CPR/ First Aid training this spring. Parking guidelines were re-iterated: we are located in the business district and both sides of the street can be used until close.
New business: No new business.
Next meeting will be March 13th, 2019 at 4:00 pm. Motion by Kathy Witzman, seconded by Shannon Petersen to adjourn. Motion passed.
Submitted by Shannon Petersen, Secretary