012720 PZ Minutes
Mountain Iron Planning and Zoning Commission
January 27, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Steve Skogman with the following members present: Steve Skogman, Steve Erickson, Margaret Soyring, Barb Fivecoate and Jerry Kujala, Zoning Administrator. Absent members: Jim Techar, and Tim Johnston.
It was moved by Fivecoate and supported by Soyring to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2020 meeting.
The motion carried with Techar and Johnston absent.
It was moved by Erickson and supported by Fivecoate to suspend the regular meeting and open the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. the motion carried with Techar and Johnston absent.
The purpose of the public hearing is to amend the zoning of certain parcels in the City of Mountain Iron.
Section 1. Amending the Official Zoning Map. The official Zoning Map for the City of Mountain Iron is hereby amended as follows:
- The Zoning District of the following parcels are hereby changed from Rural Residential (RR) to Urban Residential-Sewered (RU-S):
The entirety of WOODLAND ESTATES, MOUNTAIN IRON, SAINT LOUIS COUNTY, MINNESOTA (A complete list of parcels is available at City of Mountain Administrators Office).
The public can present its opinions at the public hearing or by letter addressed to the Zoning Administrator, City of Mountain Iron, City Hall, 8586 Enterprise Drive South, Mountain Iron, MN 55768.
There were not comments or communications.
It was moved by Fivecoate and supported by Erickson to adjourn the Public Hearing and reopen the regular meeting.
Zoning Administrator Kujala reported that he wrote another letter to the owner of the property with illegal storage containers placed on it. Skogman reported that the owner of the illegal structure in Ann’s Acres messaged him that he could not make it to the meeting. There will be an election of officers of this commission when everyone is in attendance.
It was moved by Fivecoate and supported by Soyring to recommend to the City Council to Amend the Official Zoning Map. The motion carried with Techar and Johnston absent.
It was moved by Fivecoate and supported by Soyring to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. The motion carried with Techar, and Johnston absent.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Margaret Soyring, Secretary