01-23-2023 Minutes
Mountain Iron Planning and Zoning Commission
January 23, 2003
Pro-term Assumed Chairman Jim Techar called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following members present: Margaret Soyring, Jim Techar, Al Stanaway, Lauren Buffetta, and Jerry Kujala, Zoning Administrator. Absent members: Steve Hunter and Barb Fivecoate
It was moved by Stanaway and seconded by Buffetta to approve the minutes of the October 24, 2022 meeting as presented. The motion carried Hunter and Fivecoate absent.
Public Forum:
- Ed Roskoski provided a handout on the definition of manufactured homes from Bullyan RV.
- Jerry informed him that the City ordinance says a manufactured home has to be 20’ wide.
Zoning Administrator:
- Jerry Kujala, did not have any updates on the properties on Admiral Road or Old Highway 169
The following members were elected to office:
Chairperson – Jim Techar
Vice Chairperson – Lauren Buffetta
Secretary – Margaret Soyring
The motion carried with Hunter and Fivecoate absent.
At 6:50pm it was moved by Buffetta and seconded by Soyring to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried with Hunter and Fivecoate absent.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Margaret Soyring, Secretary