01-22-25 Minutes
Public Health and Safety Board Meeting 01.22.25 6pm
6:09pm Chair Alan Stanaway called the meeting to order with the following in attendance: Alan Stanaway, Lisa Richards, Caitlyn Rinell, Mayor Peggy Anderson, Mary Luomanen, Fire Chief Mark Madden
Absent: Sgt Grant Toma, Candice Berg, Julie Buria, Shelby Peterson
Motion to approve the consent agenda from the Sept 2024 meeting by Lisa Richards and seconded by Caitlyn Rinell. All members approved; motion carried.
No official communications for the board from the City.
No one spoke at the public forum.
Staff Report from Fire Chief Madden:
Fire and First Responders had a busy and efficient 2024, responding to just under 400 calls. Also no major fires again this year in Mt.Iron.
Chief Madden reported there have been many errant/bad calls to some apartment and residential living complexes due to false alarms. Smoke detectors not functioning, bad batteries, not operational or out of date
. The board discussed how to eliminate many of these calls by following up with these properties i.e. Raintree West Apartments, to review their maintenance logs, make sure residents know how to reset the alarm if they burn something in the kitchen, ensuring there are working smoke detectors in all units. Discussion around communicating to the property managers about how this costs the department time and money to send a unit and staff out to a false call. Stanaway is going to start with this by checking with ordinances already in place with the Planning and Zoning Board and going from there.
Chief Madden also reported they are in the information gathering stage of trying to get into these complexes and apartments as first responders before the ambulance service arrives with ability to get the keys. Discussion with some ideas and questions from the Board.
Chief Madden presented his updated policy manual changes again to the board for consideration. These updates entail adding in the first responders to the policies that are in place with the fire department, streamlining duplicate policies, updating language to be simplified and a restructure of the department in command structure to assign specific tasks and duties to each position.
Motion to approve Chief Madden to bring these finalized policies to the City Council for discussion made by Caitlin Rinell and seconded by Lisa. All members voted to approve, motion carried.
There was nothing for open discussion.
Motion to adjourn made by Lisa and seconded by Caitlin Rinell with board approval at 7:05pm.