Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes for September 19, 2007
Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2007
A meeting of the Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority was called to order by Vice President Bob Voss at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Allen Nelson, Andrea Wilson, Bob Voss, Barb Fivecoate, Alan Stanaway and Mary Jacobsen. Also present was Executive Director, Craig J. Wainio.
Absent was Tony Zupancich
A motion was made by Allen Nelson and supported by Alan Stanaway to accept the consent agenda. Motion passed.
Public Forum: None
Committee and Staff Reports:
Spec Building: Gary Cerkvenik addressed the Authority regarding moving forward with a Spec Building which would consist of a shell building up to 40,000 square feet. The infrastructure/site work/utilities could be paid for with the $500,000 grant which was received by the E.D.A. with the IRR grant being applied to for the remainder costs. A motion was made by Barb Fivecoate and supported by Mary Jacobsen to authorize Gary Cerkvenik to submit a grant application to the I.R.R.B. for a spec building of up to 40,000 square feet and to commit all or part of the $500,000 grant to the project. The grant application is to be brought to the E.D.A. for final approval prior to it being submitted. Motion Passed.
Mountain Iron WIND Project: Gary Cerkvenik and John Carroll gave an update on the WIND project. The most hopeful site to date is the Embarrass site. Various wind turbines were discussed along with the probable time line for the project. Gary and John felt that within 12 months we should be well into the project.
Staff Reports:
Craig Wainio reported that he has been approached by 3 different companies about building yet this fall within the city.
An E mail was distributed to the E.D.A. members from Josh Bergstad of the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission regarding the cities comprehensive plan goals. Craig asked that each E.D.A. member to review the document.
New Business;
Resolution # 06-07 Decertifying TIF was presented. A motion was made by Allen Nelson and Supported by Barb Fivecoate to accept resolution No. 06-07 which recertifies the TIF for W.J. Holdings, Inc. Motion Passed.
EDA Minutes
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Resolution # 07-07 was presented. A motion was made by Barb Fivecoate and supported by Allen Nelson to accept resolution No. 07-07 which recertified the TIF for L and M Supply, Perpich TV, Ziebart Tidy Car, Eichorn Mini Storage, Mt. Iron Mr. Steak and Vidmar Iron Works. Motion Passed.
Open Discussion:
Barb Fivecoate suggested that Craig meet with USX to discuss obtaining land along 169.
An update on the VoTech’s clean up site was also discussed.
A motion was made by Bob Voss and supported by Alan Stanaway to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Jacobsen, Secretary