Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes for October 06, 2010
Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 6, 2010
A meeting of the Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority was called to order by President, Tony Zupancich at 5:32 p.m. with the following members present: Barb Fivecoate, Andrea Wilson, Allen Nelson, Alan Stanaway and Bob Voss. Also present was Executive Director, Craig Wainio. Absent: Mary Jacobsen
Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Barb Fivecoate and supported by Bob Voss to approve the consent agenda and pay the bills. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote.
Committee and Staff Reports:
Billboard will be looked into for South Forest Grove with the possible inclusion of Unity Addition. Provided info on the dump sites investigation.
Unfinished Business: None
Joyce Manning was present to make a presentation for a loan for the renovations at Plaza 53. A motion was made by Al Nelson and supported by Barb Fivecoate to approve a loan in the amount of $35,000 at 2% for 10 years. Motion passed unanimously.
Resolution Number 02-10 Approving loan agreement and lease agreement for the Silicon Energy Project was presented. A motion was made by Barb Fivecoate and supported by Alan Stanaway to approve Resolution 02-10 as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
The 2010 Audit proposal from Walker Giroux and Hahne was presented. A motion was made by Alan Stanaway and supported by Barb Fivecoate to approve the proposal. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bob Voss and supported by Barb Fivecoate. Motion passed unanimously.
President, Tony Zupancich, adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Jacobsen, Secretary